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Show " 1 BE W0W fc flpy Arc Ralnlnj? favor rapidly. , a H H Duslncss men Hud travel- MIIMm 1 I A lers carry them In vest F 1 I I '3 pocket, ladles carry tliem SF In pnrcg, liousekecper keep thctn In medlclna ! cloct, frlonUs recomineml tliem to friends, lie 1 OASTOIIIA. ilnili S"TY str ' " ll w Hitwxnf jfr7--. ew' You can't afford to risk yo"ur life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumonia or , consumption. Instant relief nnd a certain cure are allbrdt-d by Duo Minute Cough Cure. II. B. Merri hew. How to Prevent Pneumonia . At this time of tho year a cold is very easily contracted, and if lot to run its course without tho aid of some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disoaee, pneumonia. W,o know of no hotter lemedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Wo have used it quite extensively ex-tensively and it haa alwaya given entire satisfaction. Oolagah, Ind. Tor. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among tiio many thousands who have usod it for cold3 and la grippe wo liavo not yet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep tho remedy at hand. Tho 25 nhdSOcout aizeH for salo byll. B Merrihew, druggist. After hearing Bomo frionds continually continual-ly praising Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Aunhcin., California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent size for sale by II. B. Merrihew, druggist. Notice. IS U. S. Land Olfiee, SaltLaVeCitv. Utahf Nov. 15, 18975" 'Che Governor of tho State of Utah' having, on October 20, 1807, under the Act pf Congress approved August 18 1804, (28 Stat., 3114) made, application forthoBurvayof theunsurveyed portions of aections 0 and 7, and nil of sections 3 45, 8, 0, 10, 15,10, 17,18, 10, 20, 21, 22 27, 28, 20, 80, 81,32, 33, and 34, of Township Town-ship 10 S., Rango 2 East. Salt'Lako Maridinn, Utah, notice is hereby given, by tho direction of the Honorable Commissioner Com-missioner of the General Land Olllco, letter "E," of November 10, 1S07, that the lands in the dosciibed sections in Twp. 10 S., K. 2 E.. Utah are reserved from any further adverse appropriation by gtittlomciuorothfrwiso (except under rights that may be found to exist of prior inception) from and after tho date of filing in the General Land Office (October 20, ,1807), f tho application for survey, and for a period extending from October 20, 1S97, until tho expiration of sixty days from the date of the filing of tho official plat of tho survey of tho township in tho district land office, during which period the State aut horiCies may select any of tho lauds situated In said Bectlona and township, which are not emDracqd in . ; nijy 'valid a'dvorse claim. . Bykon Gnoo, Register Fkank IIaiuiis, Receiver. Lehi meat market. I Co-op E-uilainE St-b Sfcre-b, l-Iai. H All kinds of Msr7- A full fl F6E88.& CUBED JgNfgfe ttNE OP , I MEATS. BSKr-VEGErABLESi: I HALF CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE. H BiackweiPs Genuine i I ! BULL DURHAM I Yon will flnU ono coupon Insldo ench 2 ounco hag and two coupons Insldo each A ounco bac. V Duy o bag, read tho coupon nnd seo how to get your slmro of 1350,000 in presents. K M - - .-r B American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company . H Successors to the Utah Li acker Factoty H Manufacturers of tme Crackers & Cakes I Cream and Snowilake Sodas in 1, 2 and 5 pound boxes, H 422 WestSecon South Street, Salt Lake City. Henry WallaceMgr. '!' M Assessment Notic New Ypar Mining Company, with its principal pluco of business at Salt Lake City, Stato of Utah. , JNoticois herebygiven that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 17th of Nov. 1897 at tho office of tho Company at Salt Lako City, Utah, nn assessment of ono twentyfifth (1 25) Of a emit per share was levied on the cap talstock of tho corporation, pavablo on no :18th day of Dec. 1807 to Lewis M Cannon, Secretary and Treasurer, at Zion's Savings Bank, No. C south East Temple Street, Salt Lako City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assossmen may remain unpaid on tho 28 day o Dec. 1807. will be delinquent anJ advertised adver-tised for sale, at public auction, and un less payVnnt is made before, will be sold on the 15th day of Jnn. 1808 to pay delinquent de-linquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expense of sale Lowis M, Cannon " ' Secretary No. 5 South. East Temple St., Salt Lake Oitv, Utah Dated Nov." 24 1807. fUf JUNTK" II 'luteH'gOHt lluy agents If All I CU to sell Dr. Cooky's famous -'ORANGE LILY" Home Trciit- tnont for Female Troubles. A good business. Address, C.J Egau, 10E th South St. Salt Lake City, Utah. M grow paying crops bocauso thoy'Vo fe I fi'osli und nln-aya the bct. For , g enlo everywhere. Rofuso 6ubstltutos, B Stick Ho Fcri-y'a Bctilb and prosper. B 1603 8ood Annual froo. Write for It. I 1 D. M. FCRRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. i noil' t't'oliaccpy pit mid huioko Your l.uu Aay.' ' To dul. tobacco ouylly and (orovor, bo m.ig notlo. lull ot rijo,1idrvo''dnd vltior, talto No-To Ilac, tlio wnnder-workvr, that makos wonk mod vtroiiff. All rtruSKl8t3,r.0-or$l. Ouroeuanin-' JCod nooUQh and Eamplo froc. Addrcsn Sterling Htmedy Cu, Ohkac or Now YnxK Universiy of Utah ' And State Normal School. Sal-fc LaIeo City, TJ-fcali. H The Academic Year will begin Septem ' H bor 15, 1807. Courses in General Scienco ' Liberal Arts, Mining Engineering, Nor- H nutl work, Kindergarten Training, and H Preparatory studies are offered. H For Catalogue or lull particulars con- H coming these courses, ontranco require- H tments, Normal scholarships, etc. , apply H 0 J. T. Kingsbury, H President. H 15grurouV Stager I This water is a snro euro for rheuma M tism, Miners' Leading, Indigestion, Cat M arrh, Constipution, Chronic Diarrhuen, M Palpitation of tho hcat nnd nil kidney M andner.ous troubleH. Towels and suits ' washed by the Empire Lauudty M ECO NO WJ Y In taking Hood's Sar- ; H sapnrilla, bocauso " 100 doses 0110 . H dollar" is peculiar to niul tnto only of H tho Ono Truo BLOOD Purifier. Burning, itcliing skin diseases instant- f fl ly relieved by Do Witt's "Witch llazo", fl Salve, unequalled for cute, bruieo " H burns It heals without leaving a Bear. II B. Merrihew. lushman's Menthol .Inhaler a Jewel! ' I fkv. A. wo.uan will lt' 11 run ml jirostinted In H vils-k "JfT" teollnir (Uhpointo owrloss H ir? ot loop. had anil oy en racLaU -with H f Jtlir-". i pln,coftliuifil In every bone, no H I Vytw"N') 'ol'Talilti that life mi a blank, H I Ut, yi bur If she would mako tlio mnrrel H I 111 No out Utile innlruiiient known a .H V omJS" Uiieliniuu'e Menthol Inhaler 1 , , M-UZ nerdnlly companion. her heilche H I woiiuleoinolemifroiiueut.ahewouldiKrerhareaeolil, H inuvoro throat anil u&tarrh would hare no terrors. H If joo can't tt II l nmnlalt ml for II. Hj H t ill. &0 ihI). Rmt for IImU w MMilktl, rn. 1 U.BIIBAI DUCOCO., TlXCCKiieS, ISO., C O. i. M |