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Show BIUJT "SUGAR 'IriiMS. Inlcicsting New frin1viVai ioiii. Uj Sou i ccs. ific weather has been t-oilMdrrnble coldtr Ibis week but the lfjf! rueipls have lieeit tlio hfitvest of aiij' vtek jet. A folce of I') men mo tlitlOniitiigoii the day M'li'l and '.'0 at night. Tiliy handle nlxnlt tUcai.u day wliiclljCiue from all the itisliicls. This wcatlltr is miicli bettei for stoilug the b els m llicre is noilniigcrof tlieiu (.polling utnf tlic rain has made digging easier. All tire lushing lush-ing thc.ni in as fast as poislile Tlic sheds are full and a largo ptlu mttside which is rapidly growing Inrber The receipts for Hit' past sl (Aiih i h follows. 1010, 1110, KiUO, Ifff!, ir,S3, Kill or a total ol hl'.fit Inns irlueh is a splendid r.'cotd for lliu time. ' The facloiy elned down fur tho icgnhii eltan up ol! Tuesday i This is dunu evety tlireu weeks, jjtfico then '.he factory lias been working fliijotlily. A train load of -71 catlle nrrivdl this wick. A buyer is gjlug souih again unit one is out west and thu tiiipmeutH will be continued tun 1 1000 filiul have litcn received. These will bQ'Iui u-nitl at the factory yards this wintti. Sinitigvillu f.nmcis it.u bilsy with their I'cet crop. Digging may last n iiioutb longer thete S 1'ics. Abu Hatch and wifejnf .lltber visited the sugar factory on Ftlday. A iiuiulicr of thu diiectoia umhuhcr leiitliug men came down fro.it ball Lake lo vial', thu sugar factory ml Stttur-.lay. Stttur-.lay. W - I'u A riitichmnti up from I'iovpK)il- wick declared that sugar beets waHfiU.tni'st prolltublc crop lio Had ev-,iritd to inUc. Ho cleared jtlH) tlila?nilri)iii two acres of beets. 1'aiU llccoljl. ' The Ogden Tress tays tli.it itDoJ? He-ptiblican He-ptiblican i u'ti Weber eouiityiCiiii'lmve twu or ibreo beet sugar faetonts snio. This induslry Would liolpJJCTfHinieis and -'I0J lalKirera. 'JUa. |