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Show Council Procoodlngn. April II, 1809. Council met in regular session. Mor Kvans In the chnlr, aleo tireieut Ellington, Bradshaw, Willis, Polerson a'xi Huberts, l'mycr by Kllingson. Miuutis.'f Inst meeting read uid approved, ap-proved, ThcUivll Govcrnmei.t class t it tloned for tho use of ilm Court Ttooui ut study ach and iory Saturduy vintng. Moved that pcillion ho- allow I when not In use for cily purposes. J irrlvd. Tho I'oinuiittco to uhc was j rcf. red the petition ol Jos. B . dbont rcjirt ii nd r o y, as deed for rali hi d iwibcuii xivn to tho city I vlfred fuiner. ltepnit nctepttd. bald committee also recou j -nded thit said street be opened t i. the nctetsary grading bo allowed t .atnee Turiifr. Moved that the reco uend-utiuii uend-utiuii be adopted, nlio rccom .ended that n eultablo box bo pUctd 1:1 the ditch on Junction St., west of harles Johnson's house. Adopted Al o that thesujorWsor bo instructed to grado down and gravel aaidetre;t. Adpted, Tho committee appointed to as:ertaln the probablo cost of the jil bl k re- , ported that they consldeted that said ' block can bo bought more reasonable ' 11 a i any in said nclghlorhood. Price uwkrd as follows : Wni. (iuvnej (2,400 03 S.J' vlor fioO.OO Wm Cl.uk I,00.00 Jus. n. Boss 650.00 Total (5,360.00 Report was received. Tho reports of Treasurer, Pound-kocpor Pound-kocpor and Justico of Peace wero accepted ac-cepted Dog tax collector was allowed (1 each for killing and burying 17 dogs. Bills Allowid. II. Ilammtr, horse and buggy hire. (4.211 I. Oarir, Mdso J.4S II. K Osterloh, meal 1.00 rolleeblll 7.15 Wni. Wing, livery 4. CO P. Ii. Kllingson, oil 1.00 W. Vaughan, coal G.Q0, C. Woodbouso, police.... ...-.... 20.60 1 lief Mayor1 ws eiiiponereil to sign deed conveying Iot3, block 80, plat A, LehiCUy, to Win. E, Backer, also furnish abstiact of title. Hv rum Smith stnted that Sockwell's old hojiso. and barn is a .nuisance as they arc used as n stopping place for tramps. Asked that romcthingbedone .in regard tothe matter? , Meeting adjourned until May IB Benediction by Councilor Willis. |