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Show THE HIGHEST AWARD. ; Pr. Price'a DaUlnR Powder Receives It. lCfcici?o 7Vi'bunr. For leavening power, keeping qualities, ' purity and general cxcellcnco the i World' 1'nir jury decided tlmt Dr. 1'rioo'a Cream linking Powder hnd no i equal. On each ot itg claima it una awuidud n flrat prizoor u diploma. All the baking ponder entered for prizes were aubjecled to a moai exhauativo exiiuiitiatlou, nnd the jury was the Ik.iI riiuinprd to mako n decision of any over got together. Their voidict was supported sup-ported by tho testimony of Dr. II. W. ' Vi'lUy, cliiefchcinlHtot the United States ' Ii' pnrlincnt of Agriculture tit WaHhitig-I WaHhitig-I urn. Dr. Wiley 1b an expert on food piutiuets and tho highest nuthorily on 1 em.li mattera in America. This verdict s. tiles n long dobntcd question na to i w'lieli among the many baking powders i- the beat. |