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Show Tho Entortalnmont. The vnriety cnturUlnmcnt on Tuesday night was poorly attended, tho heose not being oiorothan ono third full. The roason for so poor n turn out was no doubt becnuge it camo so soon after tVe play of Saturday night. Tho word "meeting house" now appears to IiAto a tiring eound to it. However the public must not bo consured fer they linvc doneiemarkably well in attending enlertninments for tlio benefit of the house, and hayo paid very freely for that purposo, henco they should not b nwlfTr-d foe not attending on Tuesday might. Tho debt is now nearly paid, wMiih U very grallfylhg to state, and "ruTttOHBrTTroTintiioriiics oi tno ward foal a great relief. The poiformerj wcro rather tame in reiidurini: their speeches, songs, duetts, rccltntotis, mnslcal solos nnd mnslcal seluctlous. They did not seem to enter Into th spirit of tlio mitertalnmsnt, lieriinps hocnuee of tho smnllnrss of the crowd wh'eh grertcd tiiem. Howerer their selietlous wero (rood, wd if the Iioiibo had been as welt filled as we liave been it, they undoubtedly would linv given more vim to each psrl. Th iiiiipii inns looked very nlco as they stood uhj:i the lawn aurriiundeil by the ever-reeiiM. ever-reeiiM. Tlii's teoiitt docs great credit to tliHoriglunlors, Tho ricuipU wcro Fiunll, |