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Show 1 P m i Sugar Claims May be Paid. Woshlngton, 1). O., Tob. 18. The autlon of the Sonato comniltleo on Appropriation with rognrd to tho pay incut of sugar bounty claims for tho jear 161)3.04' doca' not uppear in tho report mado u on the Bundry civil bill, for tlm roueon thnt It waa agreed In committee com-mittee that It should bo oflbred as a matter independent of tho report on the bill by an individual member of the committee if, nftor seolm; Benntor Ciillom it should appear that tho majority ma-jority of tho committee whs favorablo to tho payment of these claims. Mr. Ctillotn waa absent from the meeting meet-ing today, nnd in his ubwVicethe vole of the conimltteo wns a tio on tho proposition propo-sition to pity tho claims for 1693, which had been earned when the turlfTuct went into (fleet and ono-half of thu bounty for the crop of 1804, Mr. Ciillom afterwards cast Ills vote fjr tho nltownnco-of the claim Tho proixultlou for the payment 'of the claims will bo put Into tlio civil hill a nn amendment, and it will bo moved by somo nicmborof lhcoinnitltoo favorablo ti tho payment of claims nssooiinait can bcpullnshupe. .oif.,H u,1,lt't'xxl that tho claims for 1893 .ltfgiegnto 2.V),tX)0, and tho estimate mi the iroi of 1801 make it appear that about 10,000,000 will t ncces.arv to pay linlf the bounty for that jear. i(riW. |