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Show B a, in WMIUiii .lwiw,)!)!!! H THE LEITI HA3WRU Ev - H By Tho Lchi Publishing Comq.iny H T. 1 Tiianp, Vice-President. H W. K. JtACkTB, 8AMUCI. TAVI.OK, H Haiiwooi . H C. A. OliMNnni.Pcr. V. K. UtcKKn.Tr.n B sma-rrr n-nitrni-l r-raags B Thb '.till IlAS.tBR la pnbUihtil ntryTliurii I ilayarteriioon, oll.ehlClty, Utah niihsctlnlroi I price Two tMI- per )er, itac prrpnl.1. M Kcmlltaieca may b lUntlcby dtafl, money cr I ilea or rerttred letter, at Kit rhk, pre laMoflicc ittn In full, ttiduiUiig county., BBSBSH AU communkullonl dhcuU be mMrcwed to HBSBSB Tim l.tm II iKrft, ttAli County, Utah. BBSBSH Clmniw of ail J i cm wilt be mnde promptly, hut BVBVH pcoJe Mist clrr the uoatollhc mm, well a H to, when auch change t tc4rJ, 'm order BBSHBh BBSBSK JnlrttUclUhl Oil, rtit'.ttflcc (lYalhr BBSBSjl Iraotpoilallon titMlit mall a I', uteml clu B mallir |