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Show Awarded filgfibst Honors-World's Fair, Tlic only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes ao Ycare Hie Staiitlaro1. Dusiness Drlefs. Pine parasols at Trnno's. Men's sliocs chenp nt Trano's. Onkcs for rent over Lchl Music Store. Call nt Trano's for your beet culti-ntor. culti-ntor. Indies shoes I'rcnch J'at tip fl.CO nt Trnnc's. If ) nit want n ncnt Bpritig suit call on tho Chlpmnn Mcr, Co. Ilcst ladle's slippers and sliocs nt Tratie's, Iltiy joiirliiinp and nut coal at tho Peoples Co-op best In town. I'OIl SAI U A S aero pasture, fenced and 1 lot nt Ixslil Junetlon.byT.P.Trnne Bcveinl car loads of lumber came In nt the Co-op this week. Chicken feneo at the Co-op for 00 cents per rod, nml up. Groceries, canned gxds, flour and potatoes at Tranes. WANTED Ladles to aid mo In my bushiest) Good snlcry Addrcsi with slnmp, Mrs. A. Norman. Manager Isabella Isa-bella Toilet Co., V.2H 7th, St bait liko City Utah. Oo to Trnne's for a nice summer suit. Peoples Co-op Inst. Is hcadqunrtprs for mining supplies, picks and handles, shovlee giant nnd blasting powder, fuse-anil fuse-anil (laps.cnndlesnml ever) tiling wanted by miners nnd prospectors, nt tho lowest going prieoil. CfPnpers will be forw Aided iintilcx-pile iintilcx-pile it orders is rccloved by tho publish or for their e'isconliniinnco, nnd until pnyuioiit of nil uircoiriigri Is innde, ns required by law. Dr. Prlco's Crcnm Baking Powder World's Pair llljhcit ,McJl end Diploma. BIMETALLISM ANU MONOMETALLISM 11Y ARCHBISHOP WALSH, OP DUDL1N, IRELAND. Owing to the great demand for Archbishop Arch-bishop Walsh's pmnphlet on monomctnl I Isiii n'n'rils'riTimiuTi'iTeels "oiftihTiiluiV TliNANTRY of IKHI.AND ,r.eve rcprotluccd It on elegant hook paper, neatly bound , containing 80 pages. It is one ot Die tnos'. logical, practical, ltlua-Uatlvc ltlua-Uatlvc convlntlng nrguments favoring HIMIITA 1 I Kl lhillirrttfiitb. l)l.Ml.ll.l.lO.I llthcil Tl ii jamtihlct is having n wido circulation mid should be read by every citizen of tho United States. It has attracted tho attention of Ihiropennd America, ntnf Isono of tho most scliolirly writings extant on tho sublictof bimetallism, Mailed poal-paid poal-paid to any nddre'ss on receipt of 25 cts. HptH'ial terms to agents. Adilress, Coin Publishing Co. 115 Monroe St., Chicago Wby Do You Cough? Duvounnt know that Parks' Cough by rup wllleuroit? Weguarnuteo every bottle. There nru many Cough Syrups but wo belle vo Parks' is tho best nnd most reliable. Sold by I). i'. Ktlingsoii. Afraid of Pneumonia. Mrs. Catherine llhick, of l,o Huy, N. Y., took aaovero cold, Tho physicians feared Pneumonia. Alio took one bottle of Prtiks' Cough Syrup nnd says: "II acted liko magic. Stopped my cough and I nm perfectly well now. I rcco-mciid rcco-mciid it to everyone for Throat ami I. ung Trouble ns I believed it saved my It te." Sold by I) K. Klllngson. Notlco for Publication. hand Olllce at Salt l.nke Cilv) April 13, 1891) Nmico la hereby given that John I. Ilowuril, of Draper, Utah, has filed notice of Intention to in ike proof on h's dctertdnnd claim No. IHU'.1, for tho uir-surveyed uir-surveyed S i: I4 ot the N V. l4' of See .W, Tp a h It 1 K beforo the Itegistcr A Receiver at bait I.nko Cltv, Utah, on dat inlay, tho Silth, day of May 1801 lie mimes tho following witnesses to prove the completo iriigntloii and re-ihimntion re-ihimntion of said laud, lx. I.nrilx II huiilh, JuMph M. S111I1I1. I'harlcs Crosgiuve nud .lotsjih Conrud, all of Draper, Utah. Prank I), llobba lljrondroo Attorney 1U ulster irinu IMblicailou April U ml, Tim Cliipmau Mer. Co. hnvoanict line of shoes nml sliiqiers just in. A rnr load of nails will sqou bu in n Iho Chlpmnn Mer. Co. Prices wnj 'own. LOST. A parcel of laundry from the Co-op fetore. 1 inder will pleaeu leave with llrig Anderson. , For Sale Cheap, 'M acres of lucern laud. 10 ucres of farm hind. ', Cit lot -'(I head of horses. i njulic uf W. II. Hacker I , 4 When you want la blcycla lithcr adlcs or gents, calljon W. I'., lacker ir 8. 1. Goodwin, ngcjitnfortho Moimrch , Itlcytlo for Utah County. , Tho Peoples Co-op Institution Is not ' lolling Bankrupt Stck but gunrantec ( lictlervaluo for jour money than nnv 1 lender en Ilnnkrup Silcs In the town. , Their inollo Is'MIonestGooilsfor Honest , Prices." rxt'''' Por low prices nnd gooei gooUffJce Iho stock ofthoChlnmnus McfJvoT? D. k It G. West llcnlnd Icttci'Lclii nt s 8 iW s 4 1 15 & 10 W s 12 .25 " Kn-t Hounds 3:2 1 h5:W b8.D8. '" 'ttiv r Public Notice. , I Dlaolutlon of Cororntlon, In accordance with resolution passed at a gcnarnl meeting of stock holders held April 0, 1891, thli corporation Is disolved. All parlies haying clahni Ugnlnst this coriKiration, must present them to tho undersigned within SO dajs from dale hereof, for settlement. And nil persons owing n?fcl?irtcul9 must pay the samo forthwith. Published by order of the lioanl. Alfreil M. Kox Seel, of North Center Ditch Co. REPORT Of tho condition of Ihi Commerilal A Savings liank ltrsoi'iicrs liOhn. . . . . (50,081 58 Hank lluilding . . ll.OoUl Hxpcnse. ... ,.'. 1.19.50 Due from other binks . .. 1,201.88 Cash on hand . u,5RoV10 Ileal lislalo ' . ...l.OjJ.BO Pfxtures . "... 2,2Iei68 Over Drafts . . . 143.82, (82,02 1 W LlAnil.lTIEB Capital Stock .$M),006fx Surplus Pund . . .:I,"90OO Unpaid Dividend .. t-'iOO KarnlngH 88()G9 Tlmo I)ciosit3 . 18,77o).l Demand , , . 0,2,38 09 '"f2,uJUJ I, Olo KilingBon, cashier of I.ehl Commercial Com-mercial A Saving Hank, do soleiulj en car thonbovoln bo 11 truo nnd correct ne-countolnbovo ne-countolnbovo said bank. Olk V.i 1 isnsoN, CisIiIit' Correct attest; Ira D. Wines) n!rp.,nr T. It Cullerf ""'"tors. d..i..ii.. .1 ....1 ..... i...r. .... Suliscribcd nnd sworn to before me thol-ltlidayof May, If 91. Mnsiali IXans, Notary Public. My commission expires Nov, 1 1, 1891, Our Schools, Tliu closing exercises of our district schools wcro iustria tivo nnd entertaining. entertain-ing. In tho foicmLi tlic children were treated, to Ice creatSUiici they greatly eiioyeT,'iiit-isTipBunrfTItlll.lt lu lliu bottom of thu fifJPcr. H wns quite auiiislng to sco tha little ones, hunting up their dltlics, null their eyes BparUing at tho tnovcmcntsjof tho waiters, wlio seemed to bo enjoying tho giving quito us much as tlic pupils did tho recalling. In tho afternoon thcro wns a pleasing program carried out, consisting of singing, reciting, etc. Thcro Is onu pleasing feature which Is readily seen ns ono enters our school rooms these days, andth.it is tho tasto displayed by oiu teachers In arranging the interior of their several rooms which Is inspiring and puts one at enso, for Iho environ-uicntl environ-uicntl nro such that tho rooms nru n placo of delight to tho visitor, nud can , not but liavo a good edict upon the children I low marked indeed is this LonlniKt to-day wt 20 v ears ngo when th6 little fellow s I111I to c Btowcd nwny in n dingy room wliero light and ventilation vveroliothbul, yiicro n (lower II placed in Iho room would Imvo withered and died in 11 few hours. After tho progaiii was gone throngl nud it was announced that the pupils of each school should return to Ihuir several ' rooms and thcruthuUncherif would give ccrtifie.itea to thosu vvlTo were entitled lo piomotion, uvery eyo.was briglit and tho expectation was seen 011 every face. I'lieio was n hirgei number who received such certificates. The primary schools will run 2 weeks longer, one in enclrpart of thodinlilct. In revicwniL' t lie work for tho t ytnr, wo find the teuclicrs.niid pupil have doim remarkably wcll.i isM Died. Tlio death of Mibh LbzloJIammor waa very sudden and unlooked for, lieit ( w of lier inteiinte friends knewof her Hlikncan wlihli wis very short. Sliohnvugro tired to litil mi Tlmidy nlglit without any syinptons Iidlcillug that there wa anything pirtictilnrly wrong lib Wr' Hut she lia.l not ri.ll reel but nahur; Unu IwforoHlie was seized with violent iilu whii'h threw ber into Ilia that benuie very piiinfuliiiid lasted nil day Pill y tml tii to tliu time of lierdoath Prlday night The funcroLwa held, on Sunday morning at tho. homo of Ijcrpirents rhospcakcra weio ItlaliopOutlar nm others. Tho remains were Tvllavvoii to their last resllhg'pt.icaby n bgrgituumW of relatives and friends, WByinphftla with the relatives. nud frlcndi lu the hourof their brovement, ., Wlj'n ILiliy nutlck, wocarolierCaslorla. When obit t a Child, lw frll er CmIikIi. I W biu tha Utame ll-i, klio clung tu CSiMtorU. IV kuf tli) lUd CUldrcB, tlie k-uvc tlja Cuterki. I 1 iyT1W aTTIlsiliJiJsajjjuiiaWBaiisamasiiiaiBiisiij wfiisai Fought With a Uoa. Nwjjrk nglnir;v.lio, served on ho onjrlneerinuwrr employed In ihe -pnatrncllon of th cafapiu'i crfnnl nnd 1 Is now hntnp' fewntlytoJel tho story nt I dhel with it tm-x iUtrnuloi-byitfelfow nglnccr to n" Piltlsbnrg !&jlA r( :ordcr. Llfo "lit tr'ia canal touniryls ilrsary, and vtirloil sehomesrijo resorted lo In ordef'to' frlIci(S JlhdWnionotony, Ona of tlu,partpttjsljaVcjiirigJhnt bo ctmlil Id'r'nf siiiglJ.imnacd. The rest of the crovttl trierT Id convince Ufiri tlmt he wiw wrong,-buulidttucltsitctthc assertion KlRflllv'handsoino bet was ninde that he cOtlM ( dispatch a boa nlon if thd'-tlandry- r6ptlh3MV.i9,In,lt8 nnturnl ciUtlMTrjojjngenglnccr promptly ftctojde.dilM.J.eiM.is of tho wsger. f "-j".- , , rii6 next tiny n (.'nng ol rifithesSvcro sent Into tlio forest to.tlnd a bon.ri'ioy contlntted tiioir e;nrch for spmolimo and finally enmo upon -junt tho nVtlctu tiiey worn looking for. It was.nwcll grown siHMiiincn nf tho boa species, folly fifteen feet long. Hlrtd eaten heartily II few hys be fote It was discovered nud it vv as therefor torpid. It wns captured' without diilleully nnd taken back to camp, it wns deposited lu n roam' where it was securely bound nnd then left tintlt its sleep should bo ovcrv. 1 Ikrns often rem iln in torpor for three week, and It was nearly a fortnight before be-fore the.piiil&ned snal.o showed algria uf returniiigitptivlty, Tl 0 eugluceis then' appointed a night for the combat, nnd the young man who was to fac the serpaiu went into nctlve training, It had boen stipulated that his only weapon was to be a knife, iind'the young mini rolled on his clear brain, iron nerve urn) supple wrist to carry him through Iho tmvmintcr In sifety. ,, Vlicn tlie w'ork waa ovr on the Hp-410I11U1I Hp-410I11U1I ,c)ay.thoo who were, in tliu iei-cl'uiillvil tho fiMtui nml prQceis'led ipTe'iit tnu jopcM vville which tho Scrpot was; Hound. fi" nail tfccn collcil up antl BCVeiinl" bands tplarfLl.a1torHl4t'l-TlieJe 'wcrrJ itlls'e'v'fred bwt 6hc Wfd tncsimj: 90ioi(n entered vJio, ils.coiipiqnfoii( bcatn husty reirent;o-safe coigifaio'l vnntngtf train Whieh'towntclicKtr.tnge bat'Oe;' Hitd,t1iglr"o"-84uct6r" rt n losl cjjtreuiity tJ TJip aiioB lenghiccr1 iwn HgUl cladMind cnrilefl'iu hitailiT 1: iulig knife, -well slilitTwlreel.''fhetvi'oijsjQi half fainlalitll ns"lt vvifsj vves' Jif'ft ao 1 angrjr,Jiunor, nud ifs ,liorld', hefK1 oselllnttng to nnd frov .vvltlt distcidl Jaws nnd icf6usly slllulny, bendy pat, inuet liavoiuatje tliu.youug inMf lle'sii creep, -lie strsdo struight up tu O10 bos, and will) -n llglitiiiiH; stroka of Ijis. knife cut the rctminiugb'nudtfiAt bund-it bund-it Ho jumped back the; .inatunt tho blow had fallen witjj, the clcrlty oVa tiger cat, but Ids svvlftnrssw.ts simll-lltu compared with that ljr 'fto srpan, (iiilekrr tlimi" Uiollgpt ifiu.pg'i tica-iirieiv-upon his enemy. JJeforo. thu mui could niofo II16 snake had fallen upon hlsnrm, had womid ijtaijiri,,'li itit'iiffro' length nud winSfbtttng-ilt lijs jjiou4iji4i ''' Tliynrnl around wiiieii the nako bad WQundtittflf vffiylhe young uufu's l.nifu arm. I.ucbtly tlcuiniuiel vv,r'iptwt!re free. Ho, did ft wait -Ujtferliif knife to (lie-olicr Inn; l.-hvilUfxlncjiied all hU 1 u cr iikA vA nt Uio'coll of tint" acipiuH ntonst his pinioned K,Xii).K vvua w r' cmtivi avivai 1 m iwvuniiiu blt' and It w is cloan tfivvrjlTtlholody. The iip)K)r,iKrtioet ut UjoiJiitty tojldioppcd' Xu thslloor and tiro ii)tre Id uiiglninr liad wfm Ins bet. Ttiuie'utlro eontett lastjd'biit .vfe sicoy'iji, pud sojulttiry did it puss .hat tin brcailiIeiao.iilo.AerH icarcely reWllfQil vv'Tiat 'lM-hniipenoil.' Tljfiin itjn vtat prtty'TtiUrOuglily exnuijtciL JfthBiilddr vv asqulto b.ltlly lacerated by the min1.ee Tho strangest p:tt of tlio cplfode'-vvnaitlMttlie young limit's ajm Wii lumejyr vvctkn, niid'nll Its length was a hpliaf black and blue where tlic snuNt bud encircled It. 1 . - 1 I I B , . ! II , 1 Ilurila,.. Rome person or persons boko Into ihe stor of Mr. ,Iohi Stoker on Tuesday Tues-day night, anl took Ihore from a pair of uverallh, soino cofrec, syrup, pickle, iinckirs, i-nrilincs, ejliccsonml srvvrrtl other 111 ti I.u aiuuuiillfig to about 710 nrs.00. To gain nn cnteraneo a knife waa used, cutting the panned of tliu door sufficient (o get Ixiek nf tha pain of fihfs-) mid pried it ont thereby b.reakdig It In two inaMng it hoia Biifncieutly large cnougti ti crnvvl through. Wlieu inside it wns ery easy to burst open tho dorir which was done. The piityw)io did it must have- pin 011 (he new overalls lor an old worn oei; pair was left jutt oiitKide Thu suspieloii tests iiiou two lou inokiiig nliHractertt who cnlKd lu the stoic ycslviday nflcrnoou. Mr. 8tokei tioti id tlmt they were inspect-ing inspect-ing things but paid no morenlleiitlcjn'lo it. ''Mt Stoker enmo in Utuh finin Kughiueliust sjimuier anjl located here, putting up ihcirttlo etojev.ihc eomme'11 crl to do a little-btlsmess, but lind bill got fairly 911 his fev , IhcrefoVo llttjiiiu the amouul may Ae he; could lery Kiev afford to loose; 'ij'nnd (Specially soint tho prose in time. ' . rKnlty pflleers Sliould iro all tiny coald 16'OimI tlio burgldrs, ' . ' Ixter .' Till 'tllelf, William ,111 sui wis loigM Wwiireuhiy" by M reJiU Knru 1 and tyipo!y yfiihb, innd the stolen goods returned, ,',1'rjat will be held tins -nfteruoou. , ' AIjjUvo Hju ion was oauglit stealing twotatiksof wul belonging td K. A, llutthuinn He gave bail. --t -S ' - jbBSeJ ia j 1 wsWua1isjiMtsmasiiiistfwiaWiyBiyuiiaLiiiiiwV UiX2VttWUMmimmmmmmmmmmmmimmlmftl mSSiHI .The Peoples' Co-Op Inst 1 WHOLE SALE AND DETAIL 1 "i'r.M, DBALBRS m . '4i) Qeijeral Merchandise W Bby Goods ilffl '-s.:GpOCEPIES ! :"4 .- -HARDWARE . I BOOTS AND I SHOES I 1IB1QKILBKNG -J MCAiniUMIAIi W " Brasich store, Main Street. m (Vlain store, State Street. ll W, E, RACKER, Superintendent. 1 nnraiilaniaaiMari 11 r ti sTiin tii n m-f n i ti i xr tm'mmrwtmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmam '4M fajiijefLivefy Stable, 1 Boot Worses and Buggys Day or Nickt ' I ; i MSEzhz mm ns the oh&fsst. I 1 lA'Kicncs oT Conl dolivcrocl From th& P I- " Co-ops good woi&hlguarnntood, y WANTED AT ONCE!- I,., t. At tlic olllce of the 'jL Iicry person that lives in the North Knel ol Utah County to kelp JrJM .posted as what is going in this section. This they cannot do urilm Ei they subscribe for Tnr Lnill Kannkr, the only paper published in Si the northern portion of this county. This is a matter that needs irJ . ' YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION. j Subscription $2.06 per year. Six months $1 25. si Call on Qr addrcst ifl BeGk's Safatoga Spripgs jj On Hie to snore or utau Lane, live nines irom iciur v 2"ta7plung baths 'rhcc Y" 1,osss won,,cr- ! ' .', 6 Hot Tab baths. ' h " lvotle in l.ch; am testify, for IB 13APT-IQ ,)i Rheumatism and diseases of the li),. lilO vOvJ skin it has no equal. A pleasant ride and a plunge in these ' health-giving waters will cure m THAT TIRED FBXELLINC M ' ' BEET PULP I The Besi; Food for Stock. If . . F0fl SALE At Sugar Factory Silos. m 1 01 1 mam I i Is" ono of the largest J and most complete in I the county. J "We are prepared to do all kinds of" jj Commercial and General Job Work in . I a neat and pleasing style and on shor- test possible notice. GE BS fk Ckhk. 1 - - " IT |