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Show H' THIS. THAT AND THE OTHER BBB'' Jlr. l'raiii! Snlrnor mid lila mother BBB vvpnt to Halt I.nUu on Tiicmlny to the BBB BBB fluacrlbo for the IIankkr nml ol lit- BBB formed of tlio bent linliintry Hint over B came to Utnh, "Tlio Sugar Boot." B Cnllfornlii rnlscB nlxitit H.t.OUO.UOO BBB joiindi of ritieciiH every year, the nioit BBB of vvlilrlt arc ronmnncd In Hie Untied BBB The Ihsiio of jioatuKO Btnniria for litBt BBB joiir ifXrtmg out would rench a illstnncc BBJ of 70,000 iuIIc'h. BBt A new sen vender wan seen on our BBBj Blrects tho other tiny. IIcMvnsn gcntlc- BBBj iiinii KKllicrlng up old runs nml piiUIn BBBj tlicm into his wagon, BBBj Our I'ohI Master la wi-nrlng it broad BBBj Hiiilloon hlgfnrcon nccount of mum BBJ I'Dincrnrrlvlngnthlfl yW, wlildi vvil BBBt ho apt to cull him mpn in tlio nenr BH future. BBJ 'Wo notice Hint the young Indies or BBBJ U'hl hnvo taken tho bicycle fever or BBt rather they have learned Hint bicycle, BBBJ tiding is tho hentFiort nt theprceent BBBt tline. Theio being several Indy wheels BBBJ j i town nt present. BH The Coalville 7'iWthns behind ft now BBBJ 111! Incorporated company known by tho BBBJ iinino of the Conlvilln TimcH Publishing BBBJ C.unpnny. ltd capital Block Mll.OOO BBBJ devided into $5 shnrcB. Its duration in BBBJ BVf Mm Allco Comer was riding n bicycle BBBJ on Btmdny night which ho loHt control BBBL and it tipped over throning her lathe BBBJ ground violently, hurting her to badily BBBJ tlmtslio lind lo he helped Into llio house. BBt SlioiMirt not nble totein'h her school on BBBJ BBBJ A wool buyer wan seen on our uIiccIh BBB n few days ago, who while In conver- BBJ nation itlt one of our citleiiH made tho BBBJ remark: Two ycxn ngo about $ir0,uoo BBJ was paid In this vicinity for wool ; hist BBBJ year about W,0O0j Ihln year it will get BBJ down to 130,000. BBS MIm Geneva Drondbent lias now got BBB complete controlu over Iter new wliecl BBJj mid makes it keep tho track in lino BBJj Hlinpe. Site whirled louud the corner BBB orourofllce the other day, tdiowlng t hut BBB MiewnB no longer nn nmatciir on Hie BBBV BBB rorlyimlllonuor dollars aro invested BBB 1, mid four hundred Hioiieaml people BBB lind direct euiploymunt upon, what are BBBB Kometimcs Bneeriiigly referred lo as tho BBBB country newspaper of ourlnml. OfiliMo BBB llicro nre circulated probably fifty niill- BBBB Jouh copies per week. Is there iieed lo BBB repeat tlio ndvico; Despise not mui.iII BBBB BBBB Advertise in the IUnnkk and tell tho BBBB publiQ whft.'t yuuHinvo'1ffi'"f7ih;-how' BBB r Mi enp your goods can hu bought for rush BiBB ' mid where yon can be found. The riier- BBBj chant who is continunlly talking lo (he BBBj peoplo through thocohinniHof tho paper. BBBj is the man who does tho business. Ho BBBj i Judge of human nature, and knows BBBj how lo tlio people. BBBt In ii few days I ho telephone poles w ill BBBJ be in place Ix-tween hero and Afcrcur, BBBt nndtonio time next week U-lii will he BBBJ able to talk through tho phono to tho BBBJ miners of that great camp, The lino BBBJ wilt be pushed on to Tintie ns soon ns BBBJ BBBJ Our city marshal is called upon (juilc BBBJ often these da s hymen traveling from BBBJ I'tsrc (o plao through tho country look- BBBJ iug for work, and something to rat. BBBJ These nro not nil tramps. On Monday BBBJ two young men cnl.led for eomelhi ng lo BBBJ cat who weie ipillo gcntlemenly dieted BBBJ mid front all appvnrnucu hild seen much BBBJ belter days. They cnnio from Denver. BBBJ Tho school Iruslers met on I'aidny BBBJ. and paid the teachers (.OilO.KO. Jt is BBBJ more than likely our sohools will havo BBBJ lo close at the end of 11 vo weeks of tho BBBJ present term, for thu want of funds. BBBJj Thisisa thing tho Iruslecs very mucli BBBBJJ regret lo do; for there aro n large BBBJj number of small children who should BBBJj ho'In school to the end of the term. In BBJ fart It la tho heit time of tho year fin BBBBJj thu primary ihlldren to go lo n-hool, BBBBJj mid in soinu Instances the only time they BBBBB H aaaaaaaaS WI n Hal)7 at UW, we giro licr Cmstorla, Wlirn liu ii ClilKI, iiho crtrtl for Cvtorla. Wlira nlio Lrcntno MtM, film clunft lo Outtorla, IVhtn blia bail Chll.1ren, rTiq gArottm Cntorln, On Sunday last several smnll boy, tho oldest being nliout 12, were noticed going from house to hous asking foi something to cat, Uon investigating Into the matter, il w-nH learned that they lived with their step-father In Bait I.nke City, nnd ulnco the old man had Joined tho Industrial nnny tlio boys were obliged to travel nbout ni tramps. Tlioy had been to I'rovo nnd were then on their way back to Salt I.ako, From a letter rcclovcd by James Kirkcnm fi oiu bis brother Ilyrum who Is now laboring In tlio Sheffield Con-ferrnco Con-ferrnco 1'ngland over which ho presides ah President, ho is dolngwcll nnd tho con-ferenro con-ferenro In n healthy condition. They hnvo just held their hnlf yenrly conference con-ference in tho Subscription Itooms In .Doncastcr Ynrkshlre, whero llioicnd-quarters llioicnd-quarters of the ronferenco is situated. He? reports tho Kldcrs doing n good work iu nnd nbout Yorkshire, Ho expects ex-pects totfet n permit to return to Ids mountain homo nbout tho end of May Theconunlt.eo wish to tlmnk nil those who nltendcd tl)p patty or nssistcdin any wny townrd waking n success of tho missionaryparty oh Wednesday night Also l.o waiters, ilr. Gnrli mid the bund, tlio latter wflJch denoted as follows: James Kirkhdjn JG.OO, Jus. 11. Kintiln 2.60, Jo!:n Smith $H 00, Geo. Kirklimit (2.00 nnd Win Klrklinin 2.00. Tho bnnd costtliecominltteilJ only 3.C0, leaving n net bnlcnco of V5.1C which was eit.aly dovldcd among Uho threo mleslonnrlcs. Very Itespt . I.ovl rhllllps, KmerottolCutler, Jns.'JM. Kirkhaui, MaryjSmith, John Smith. Hnydeo Vrano. Lchl, AprllsV, lfi'.M. |