OCR Text |
Show Low Rates. Aro still in circct to eastern points via the lllo (iraiulo Western Ky. Itemcm-bor Itemcm-bor the It. (1. W. is noted for the ele-gnncoof ele-gnncoof Its equipment, it new coaches, its free chnlrcnrs, Us touristor colonist slccpcra nnd its new nnd nrtlstic Pullman Pull-man Doubli Drawing I too in Palace Sleeping Cars which run through to Chicago without change. ''Speed, Safety nnd Comfort" is Its well earned motto. Two main lino fast cxprttt trnlns to the east dally. FIVE DOLLAHSI Free to allrendets of this paper. On November 30 we shall print n coupon cou-pon entitling nil who lecclve tho Irene of that ditto to a superb work of art, just published, entitled ''.In Amrricun llenuli," it splendidly perfect reproduction reproduc-tion in oils of a new flornl painting, 20 Indus high, siillnble for narrow upright cpntcp, by the nrtlstof thof.tuiouH"Yurd of IoseH"nnd "Yard of I'misics." Wc have lundc arrangements that will tn aMo tin to present this exipiisito picture in nil our renders, free, and nil should avail thcmseb'eH of our gencroup oiler. Notlco for 1'ubMcntlon. iu:si:i:r i. nii, ri.s-.vi. moor. , No. 1II2. United Stntes Land Ofllre, Salt Iiko City, Utah, Oct. 20, 1803. Notice Is hereby grven tint', Georgi Clark of Alplno City, I'tnh Co., I'tal. ImH Hied notice of intention to mnki proof on Ills ilcscrt-laudrhiiiii No. D,;,d for tho unsurveycil NWl4 SW'4 Srctmn IHTp-I S It 2 K liefoiothoCoutily ( Irrk Utiih Co. nt I'rovo City Utah on P itur day tho tltli day of December 180:i. He names the following witnesres t prove thu complete Irrigation and rtcla-in rtcla-in -Hon of said land: IMvvln Okey, i'lcilcrirk C. Clark, p.iwu .Meli,iniel,.lohu .Moyle, nil of AIjuiii City, Ulnh Co. Utiih. Ilvnos Cinoo. Krgtster. llooth.t Wilson Att'jp. I'lnlHktt IjiH 11-30 . PATENTS. Notice to Inventors. Tlieie wns never n time in the history of onr country when the demand for inventions and improvements in thenrts and sciences generally wns fo great nil now. Thoconvonieuresnf mankind in) (he factory and workshop, the house nold.on tho farm, and in official life, lerpilro continual MCccssions to tho np 1 perlennnces and Implcinents of eacli in order to save labor, time nnd expense. The political change in the Administration Administra-tion of government does not affect tho progicssof tho American iuventor, who being on tho alert, nnd rrndy to per-ccivo per-ccivo the existing detlciencies, does not permit tho affair of government to deter him fioui quickly conceiving tho remedy to uvcrcomec.xistingdir'crepaucies. Too ijreat caro can not be t-xcrcised in choosing choos-ing n competent and tkillful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable interests have been lost and destroyed In Innumerable in Mnnccs by the employment yf Incompetent Incompe-tent coumel, nndespeclnlly Is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors w ho enti list their business to this class of attorney; do to nt imminent risk, us the brrndth and ttrengli of the patent is i' wr i oiiRiilercd In view of n quick en. u.tur O get an allowuncs nnd obtain the feo then due. TIIK 1'ItESS CLAIM COMPANY, John Wedderburn.Clcncinl Manager, ftI8 F street N. W ., Washington, Washing-ton, I). C, representing n large number of Important dally nnd weekly pnperi, as well ns general periodicals of the country, was instituted to protect Us patrons from the, unsafe, methods heretofore here-tofore employed in this lino of busintsi Tho enid company is prepared to take chargoof all patent bueincia entrusted to it for reasonable Ice, nnd prepares mid prosecutes applications generally, including mechanical inventions, design patent!!, tiadriuarks, lubtls, i'cj) ritjlita, intcrfcieui't'S, Infringemenli', validity rejiorts, an gives especial attention to 1 ejected eases. It is iilso prepared to cuior Into competition witli any firm in tHKiiriug foreign patents. Write for Instructions and ndvlce. JOHN WfllKEIIllt'RK, fU8F Sheet. I. 0. Uox OSS. Wnehiugton, I). C. JJuy tho celebrated 'TirycV' Kotk Hjirliig Conl. W.I!. Kackeii, Agent. Tree. IIublKird of tho Salt I-nkc Chauiber of Commerce if n worker for Utah, lie intends teeing (tint our re KourccH occupy n prominent position nt the Midwinter Fair. A committee of 81 has bcon niointfd to get mit a pamphlet pamph-let advertising Utah nnd truice Hint Mr. John Wootlhouse will reproscnt this distiict as onoof Hut corninlttie, We 1 have some splendid reeources here and (ceUuro that Mr. Woodhouee will pu-t ' them to the front, ! it S Jl j i V i?iSi$&S-9fi9? for Infants nnd Children XaitOTlftfWwell4UpllUchn.lrriith CaftlorlAciirciiColic.CoiwUpfttlmi, lrr,mm.(ntrsrlortoan,rrer.puon ffi''Viote- known torn" It A Awinn, ft D., cwtlon, I 111 fo. Oifonl Si, Drooklyn, 21. T. WltEout lDjurimu romllsaUoa. . -Th. tiM f ( rl' It . "nlrrrMl anil . " for Mrjrit jrjSri , I har. rwommenjM its merits so wen unowu maim wrn n i win iw. vi...i. .iiu.i,UiW .. .-yv-"r,r, of wtiererogllliintoMi.lorMlt. row are tho UjOMtt.hiiillnarlablyprwlucoi bmflJU lnielilent7JmllliholoiiolkiCatorla resulU," ailhlnaJyreh" Edwix r. riM, U. D, Cibi MABTTir RD 'TboVlnthro),"ltn6trt9nirU.J.Ti, Ijte rnrtor nioomlDsiUlo nJorraed Church. New Tort City. Tmt CtxTAOB Coupiirr, TT JtomuT BTBirT, Kw Tou. fatfopize fiome fpdustfv. Whenyou build use LxEI-II BRIGK rlnn-.nciltrcti by LElll Ti. and P. Co. Fee , Mniiafjcr, and fjet the prices. Wm. Sundrrland, Jehi Junction. Gold &llMWainplan Tested MB'TS.' r.H'"H H.W33 "tVJaX. . JUJOKICJ1 J Processe5 of Leaching GcuciaI Mm 11 Ihuincss Done P UNION ' 5TERLINQ BICYCLES 1 Arc tl-o Illgliowt Orodo Pomilblo. m n.. ....... ' m. KAi tllCTOLK 8T7N. nil.lllt'U -C Sl IMtlF.H OP A LI, WOltAIll; J KINIM.OLOI1I m IIATK Nt yfTTfTV.X JA&TTn. 81IOK,HWKATi isgi'A. 7MyxA Sj-W V KIlH"E,-,'"0,! 11 AI.1. 1'lttOIS. llvlTr 1 )jrl7 jfJ Kjl ,'; IAJITII, - - .. .i.-Mr " wltfJ'w.v7-1 till "M Tiinni,llir,fl. ani wuMi.K, yrmnfix:-JjIS I.MigT- ciiw, Ktc, eu. I ro cata'lcJo? 393 Wabash Ave, CHICAGO. PWAUJ, Colorado PcUadl laliwai)- Coininoneing May 1 the Colorado .Midland Tt'y will put on nnd run dally there after nddiiionnl suburban trains to accomodate Cripple Cretk k Florireant. Wl'STnOFNO KASTUOUND I lae i..do, bpnngs 6:10 n in Leave Flsn-sant 10:40 am Arrive Dlvido 0:8riaui " Divide ll:10nm FlcrisMiit 10.02 a in Ar Woodland Park U:S0am ' Colo. Springs 1 :00 p m This nrungeiuent ivcs convenient nnd "Pueblo 5:50 pm rapid wrvico to CippU)Crek. "Denver fi:00pm ' Ciias. F. I.se, General Passenger Agent. RETRENCHMENT! As wc were the first to agitate this question wc are going to show by our works that wc arc willing to help the people, hence wc make JK ffafd fipies OfFey TO OLD AND NEW SUBOGniBHnS UNTIL DECEMBER 1, 1893 We offer the fnllowing liberal iBems: To all old Subscribers who pay up all arrearages we will send our paper for one year for only $1.75 if paid in advance. To new subscribers one year, payable in advance, only $1.75. Subscribe at oi)ce ai)d s'aVe i)olir moneyJ T i "mmmmmifmmmmmmummmmmmmmmwmmm wi irtiB-Mpsj-w-t-ww-sww-wMswMWMwwt-MwwM-sM Bipg youy Job Wofk ?po he Bappef QfTice i Good Work at Reasonable Rates., CiTtatt, noil Tradt-Muki otiulnnl, and ill rtl eat bnilnMl condacttd fhr Modcratc fees OU Or'JCt II OPPOfHTC .U.S. PATtNT OfflCt tad wi cln t rain intent lu IP"" time iban thot raaoti from Wiuhioffton. Biiad mod!, dratflog or pholo., with dHcrlp. Han. Wo id1t, it fit.nUMa or not, rrn of tblrpl. Our (M not du till pitrnt l rcurcd. A rMiHL(T, "now toObtnln 11tmt." with nunw of irtul dlrati la tout FUt, ooootr. or towa. lent tit. Adlnti, C.A.SNOW&CO. orr, r"TiNT ornei, wmihotoi, d. c. jHfBBPMRH B;rt, Pren?'., 'etH vt ( A Wm J ill J 1 1 L?i C" ' liopttuf, ten LrlillM'HJ o Uanho-.l 8-ixlna mmmmmmBWKmmmJm tm.lttlontt 8pirmHorrtitat f All 34 lh J 1 NtHAUlittu, St'Dltlrittt lji4 1 ak If'l tc tttmo'ii, a. win MiUilUU mil ni a SIHVKO, Ylmr- IfJB "" "" Frl" si-oi. o IT1 Mf m I f i 1 Be ft, ii oo. EAr3 8ofCltOlnieHn$ Uflllfi IBBM '''" 8ot. Attaint I J I n HJ SiUuiciivItjlntct Ci , mjSm) 9 v Jl anio LpoAtAvi. wKmmmuBmmm 01 louis, mo. FOR 189-1. " SraciALlNDCCUJIKST to fubiihe I.ow to Town Topics, 11.00 "111 ry ftrllir allreeir IS I and vru wJI t -cjlv fttf rtom due of ubctinilon the wmoiToiv. Tirifsf tlie tfinjlndfrof Hie vMrmdudi-g the vtriil XMAS n-mck Ik, . ateNumbe' vrlcec c-nt'lnlns a nurrelotn tie bv Awbioe Diem, entltlpd "The Damnod Thing." C0 th ifffu'.irelub price ofTo-ASToucvsttl rAitifrora fovnt Tories ff ro.iejear itnl.Vti vou not oily lovx Toric i nuore tu the end jf I 4 but tbe fuur TAlunien of tales for ih-t yer ind the halidAv number of rlea. out Dec , thi. ear itb the Cleat ple story ANTHONY KKNT. A lhreiijhlyCO'iave'!n :."ovel Iiice Sflc CH'-Tik.e one or the other offot AT ONCK ni d rein . in totl rite, order, or N Y ! -xchange o Tow n Topirs. CI West 2JM Pt.. New York' railway Notices THE COMING LINE. The Chicago, 1'nion Pacific &. Sottix estern Line offers the best nceoimoo-lations nceoimoo-lations to the traveling public en toute o Chicsgo nnd Interraediate points via )mahn. Through trains, fjt time, tinsniflcent sleet ina cms, elegsnt dining din-ing cars, reclining chair curs mid hand ome day coaches, Through presenger trainn, through ireighl tritn-, f,i ick time, via the Ch 'po, U ii Pacific & North Western .nilu tae principal cities east ol the MUlouri Kher via Omaha. St. Louis is in it. Exceedingly cheap rales to 6t. Louis trenowin effect. The Union I'neifle ind Missouri Pacific ll'ys aro running a lally Pullman Palace Sleeper from Palt Lake City. Cheyenne nnd Denver to St Louis without change. Pnllinar Dining Cars Denver to Kausas City. ScoT. P. Kiiglieli, agent. -I I. . ! . l.., World't Fair Buildings No. i. tiik uobticcltuul nvn.rii.va. Height of dome 132 feet. Cost oj building 1800,000. The Chicago Union Pacific and Northwestern Line offeis rates as cheap as tho cheapest and unexcelled unex-celled accommodations to Chicago. .No change of cars enroute. PeeT. P. Ungll.h, nf.cnt. Siiaoirs CfRE, the Gieat Cough and Croup Cure, is forealo hy us. Poekot iie ronlniui twfiiiy-tlve dojes onlyajo. ("Iiildren love it. ' Cattail, Traivmrjlj, Des'gi Pa!snb, CcpjrlghU, And nil rt nt i ualneii enmlniHod for mODCRATH FEES. taforr:.. on AnaMTtcaclrentoliiventtrf ttbent Ctarso. .'Hrij PHEOS OLAI7A3 CO., JOUttVCDOERUURN, llanastosAltorrier, P. O. Hox Xtt3. Wasiiisctos, v. a. tTTblt Compirr U minlgcd bj eomblnstlon tt thi lirz4t 0'1 miut InSiMatlAl seinpiperi 1.1 Uia ( fnUr-d State, for I'm exprnea porpon of protrf. , Inj lliclr I'lbvcr'tor! rccmct cnaercrnlooa - and laeompotest Tutfnt AehH, ami airh purer trtntlair thta edrejthf Blent rooehea for thi reaaotnl- lintj and ll;b attndlns uf tb Trcei Clalpia Ccilivmj SGI-X1C I.IX1; OF THE WORLD Two Fast Trians Daily C Jinmendng Mnj 7 the Itio Orando Westuin and Denver A ltio Grande will In.ignrhlt a new daily trnin service, tin-surpaMed, tin-surpaMed, consisting of tlegunt lay co.t-rliiB, co.t-rliiB, cliatr rnrr nnd Pullman fdeepeis. Ti.un No. 2 vill Irave Ojiltn 7.00 a in, Pnlt I.ttkf R'0,') a in, mnMni; nt Denver 7:-tfi,i m nt-xt morrmg, conneetlu; with Burlington nnd Urk jiland World's Tuir Past Kl)crs. TimnNo. will Unto Ogden 6.15 p.m. Pull Lsko 7:20 p.m. arriving at Denver P 10 p.m. next day, counmi'iy at I'ii-bin with Iloek Ii1nud and Mta.iuMri'Pi'vilit' mid at Denver with Turlington truiim for pll points ttl ; giving giv-ing an opiWntiiiiiiv ot via.ing (he mag-nlllicnt mag-nlllicnt tnd world Uinniuoccneryol tro DnerAtii Grande between' Grand Junct'co. and IH-nver by daylight. Take thisroitv m have a comfortable, tptcrly nmi woi (terfnlly intareatrngtrlp ) S. K. HOOPKlt G. P. ,fcTr. W.J.iIIOTVKLL, (Jen. Agl., 5,s West Sctorid South Pt. Putt Lake City. THE "B" B m tr x. cig'gfgrrgT A itrlrtlj- li'xli.grailii family eewlnc tnaclilue. pii'Mlnc nil modern tuiprormrutn. GUABAHTEED tQUALto Ihc REST l'l'lrio Tty ivH.jvuj:.to, ib,ulu tiiriu nnA meUi' cnmpnrUons. EIDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDlinC, ILL. TRIBUNR- iiewnfaper deti.ted o the bttliilereUr the Wrrtern kiopc. and pattlculaily to the 'level ooment of the Intel mountain coumn. I'or ai'vertlilnr; t urra I ii com it ably the be pane' helwetn Sun 1'ianclm. an I Denier. I.Mly i -ueaperveir IlilO Werklv 1? pp " per vr t f Wee l, i Month.. .. I Jo Weekly thtee Month. 71 Addle T1IIA 1 Uini'Nl.. SALT I.JILK m. fv lit . ... i. liMnf ,rt. rr Jflftn ri A4wty?V 'i'" ii 1 1 n i .i wrt r.-, ... iha,iv f , Cl"'r Ql ii ni , ii t n k, . nmih, Vt to. wv 1 ti3'" '' "1" ' U ' " '" t" " iJiT 9831, " n ii" ' a .... I.... i'i.J 11 IT'-'Em Vmei i i n. n in.nr ti Itt,,a1. 0 aJj jWln, I ..f H..I.P1. Aaijrt. V cfam V " Al ' ,,r" 'I'Mri,, atur,,. iV ty -i A ...I. ii-i ' url ., Onri.hlta VJCtM in i in i-iriiiiin..,M StZffi!8 I'Ai.lll tll' . Ill I Addi-.M ., on I V. I i!. II!1H ' !' IUK1UM1. till i; you 'w iNfonMnofUiBCiiT 1 Tin: I'ltr.Mi CLAi.ti-a comimnt. JOHN WEDDERBlinN, . ManiQlag Attornoy, T.O.OOX 1C3. WAnilNftlOJI. l).C. . rrvsioss nv,'crT.i.'D roti SOLDIERS, WIDOWn. CHILDREN, PARENTS. AI'O, for PnMIf ra and Billrim dtiabteil In the. Hon of niitrlaiharrKtilar Arniy. rarlllrttlt war, f-nrrlror of in. inilUn iwr. f lla tti lA43,aand lhtrvlioT Mwentl;k.t oi'LiiitraliTtedctatrwi a ap.rhity liioutaita etitttiid to lilalit r ratca. Mnl for new lawa- ko cbgo for Idflce. Sotti nuul aucceuful. youn fi'tpiib ir V ('Hi J. " ' e" - A t Lr $ X r IS IN YOUIt OWN nAND. ralmlatrj aaanmea to tell what tho llnealn yoar hauit Indicate. It will amuee )on, If nothing mou. Tho alioio dlai(ram almott nplalni liielf. Tho Ungth of tha LINK Of l.lFr.lndkatea Ki.luWu to which yoa will llvo Tarli llltArHLirr fJ".TOtt thlrijr yaara Wr.l niarknl LINK DM HfcAI) ilenotea Iraln power , near LINK OI ltlltTUNB, famo or rlehea. Ilolh tomhlnnl maan aucceaa In Ufa , but )annut kren up vinb modern IJena towlu It Yon wtil flint plmty of ihcie In lemnrat'a 1'amUy 2laen2iin ,h aitrjrfjvtlr pre sentcd that cirrf member of th.' fauiiljr la enur. tallied. Itlaailoren inacarineain one ACI.KAH LISK OP IIEMtr betpakatendern.a.arliiil(ht LINK OP l'ATIl. praufill life, tho reieieulf trooknl A well elpflnrd mm: Ol' IlKAl.TIt aparea jon doctora' billa i o tlll (he heallh hlnta lu Dmorel'a No other n.n,:j.tiw nublithea m faanritorleatotnleriat tin hnuia rlnlc. You will 'uaublecttoeitreiuu of hlnh plina or riraiwtHl. mcj-lf joii hair Ihs Olllltl.t: OP VKNUbwell Jinked, keepnp jour aplrlta br havlUB IJeuioreal'a Magazine to read lljr aiiheirlbliir; tu It tor ItDI ou will recelra a yallerir of eioiilaTla woika of att of ureat alu liealdea tho upt'ib htrmliini plctcrr, ITji JJiui Uea, "I'm llaly1 ' iihlili l uluutt a leal bbr. and equillollio original oil iialoilnR wtJfli roit t.TOO, and you nlll have a niacntine Hint carime bn equaled br any In Die uoiht fur Its Imuilfsl lllailratlona An I aublert mntli r, that will keel, jou polled on all I lie loplraof tie clay, ai.il all Ilio tada, and different Items of Inlirr.l about iho houiehold, bealili'i furnlihln IntiiT.llrc readln; matter, both erara and gay. for tho whole family ! and while Ueinoieit'a la not u faihlon magazine., llafathlon pairaaro lierfeil, and you cetwlth It. fiee of coit, all tha patterna you wlh to ua dorlin too year, and In any flro jnu cboono. fend In your lubicrlptlon at once, only f ; 00, and rou w 111 rrajlygat oter $"3 00 111 value Artrtrua :iir pub. lliber, W. Jennlnia pemornl. n Lait lllh kl Now Yori If yon aro uneco.ualiited wlih Ilia llajFUIn" tndforaiprilmrncopy. A lareaOUAI). IIANOMS means honMlyi a larin TIIIAKOI.R, Reneroilijr, Jonu nniiT DIVISION OP TIIUMII. uronjKlil, IXINO HECOXti II1MHION. reaaan. Ini faculty. Tho MOUNT OP JUI'ITI'.ll betokena ambliloa i that of HATUitN. rnulenrr i tho bUN, lovoof spfendor. IAItS,rourae: MOON,linlna. tloni VftM'S.loiaof phaiore andMEncUUY, Intrlllsence Take our advice aa above and lr'U will ha aura lo posatu thi lait suit moit taJaiUa juatltjr. A LUJEJAIa OFF Elf. "Tho Lelil Banner" and Beraorost'rj Fainlly MaflMlno. One ,enr poMi' jniiil fll.fO Pend jour frul ftntti'M, to IJiisum. BWh lP TORT5 . ii j A "cc' f'' bii', cxceac3, worry and eHpo',i!i At 'neh an'w--i t.Ulfv and from marw of ?$ Si, ' I" U "WI1 11'' nundl " -" tlil-iishnm Ihii f "i-, ,!,,," r.,'n; t.Uiry, and (rem many of gT Whci " Mfo lUr. bri,- tcttmony to"tluir ro.-.v .K ,. . Shi'l THB OT DRSHNDEN B.LECTRIC Dtl.T It a complete calvanlc battery, made Into a belt so as to tu cMlly worn d.irln" vrt-m ri .n 1 1. i n , which are lD-.ta.illy felt tbrouSaout all weak parte, or wri foTfift $5 OOO" U?, &im ,,,"l?8!l," ' C"n ''" ' S.t-t boon erdnvMcme0,andewaa.tlttoe.yof tiZlrilLvJXiJ11? ft"""'' '" filoney Rofliudod. They are Btded in K-ngth tont all !o Mm jTn mUdtel, ,'mV : '' '" i ' " ths wort cam fo heo of tnrca months. AddrcM "IPoi vvcaknea. W ypunSl mlddle-ngid tr old men, aW w,.l cut, 8ANDKN ELECTRIC CO., Skinner Block, DENVER, COL. |