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Show KNOWN b IriEIR DEEDS. Dn, Euacsn L. CnvTcnriEtJi, of Ral-tlmore, Ral-tlmore, has received tho gold medal of tho Society of Science, Letters and Art, of London, AncnnEACOs Famuii now docs most of hlo dally work at an upright desk, standing closo by the window, llo has ono constant companion "l'olly" by namo and n parrot by profession. OUR AMERICAN MILITARY. The militia of tho United States aggregates ag-gregates 112,4911 men. Every stato nnd torritory In the union has an organized mllltln except tho territory of Utah. FonTT-roup. guns nro fired for a nn-tlonnl nn-tlonnl snluto, ono for each stato. Thd nutlonnl flag Is saluted with twenty-ono twenty-ono guns, tho president with twenty-ono twenty-ono nnd tho vlco president with nine- VUV iiiim tuu '(V.u j'ivann.in nun isttDw teen. Sitvr.nAl. soldiers wcro executed during dur-ing tho wnr, for desertion, treachery, murder, nnd so on, bnt Lieut. A. V. Wndhnms, of tho nnvy, siiys that not n slnglo s-'illor on tho union sldo whh sentenced to death. nngiuterlng Hklll. Speaking of tho remarkable feats of ninrlnn engineers tho Marino Journnl recalls tlio achievement of Richard l'cck, who nt ono time had chnrgo of the single cnglno of tho old City of Vera Cnu coming up from Havana. South of Hatterns tho piston rod went to smnsh, breaking Into three pieces, llut Feck, t fter twenty-four hours of continuous con-tinuous labor, actually mended thnt piston so th.it It wns strong nnd true enough to do its pnrt with tho rest of the mnchli !. mid ho brought his ship into New York harbor steaming six knots. This was a deed which, In tho opinion of tho lloston Journal, quite eclipses oven tho recent notnblo per- forma'neoof Engineer Tomllnwm, of tho Umbr,,, lnfj,nf,j u; ,,, pi.to., MldOCflSU Ut Hoi moro lonesome than tlio jilaihsl hor night bo gloomy ns that dumb sunlight. It Is barren of sound. Tho brown grass Is kuec-deep nnd rvon that trifle gives a shock, In this hoof-obliterated land. 'Iho band of nutolopo that drift, llko eloud ihadowe, licross tho dim landscape suggest less of llfo than of tho supornntnrnl. Tho spell of tho plain Is a wondrous thing. At first It fascinates. Then It be-wlldors. be-wlldors. At laBt It crushes. It Is ns Mini ns tho grave and 10rsc. It Is In-tiuiglblo In-tiuiglblo but resistless; stronger thun hope, roason, will-stronger than Immunity. Im-munity. When we cannot etherwiso escape tho plains, one takes rofugo In madncss.-0. V. Luuimis, In Scrlbner's. |