Show NECESSARY cla CHAN E of MATERIAL DELAYS PIPE LINE PROJECT somo some months ago the city of ka nab voted to loud bond tile town for a new pipe line hue system the council made out a project and after much wal waiting ting and several trips to 0 salt lake city by in members emberg of tho the board it way was finally approved however it k took so long to got get the ilia state approval that lit in tho the the prices ou on cast iron pipe which the fhe council had decided on oil using biad advanced in price so much that the cost of cast iron pipe now Is prohibitive and lit in order to put the project over tile the council proposes to use steel etcel pipe instead after consulting on tho matter it is thought that with our soil and climate the sti steel pipe will serve the purpose just as well however lit in order to io make the another anothy election must be called so that voters can call approve 0 of f the boards plan of changing tho k kind ind of pipe arid and also the issuing of the on olf the same this la Is necessary before the board can continue on oil the project everything is ready now to begin begh 1 work asi quickly as voters authorize the bond issue read head the notice of special election Ose elsewhere where lit in this paper |