Show roy hoy little left for salt lake city last monday returning home thursday miss carmone carmane leigh of 0 cedar city spent last week visiting relatives in ili kanab robert park has ills family to kanab they left big spring 9 ec tiller than usual this year so BO their little daughter could attend re chool dr george Goorge Alken spent the abo week end nt at navajo lako lake 0 mr air and sirs mrs harry macdonald of glendale california spent a few lays laya lit in ennah last weak again it la is advised to make a careful inventory of the feed available and keep on the farm only enough of tile tho best cattle aan foun dation feerd that can be bb safety safely carried through to tho nut next grazing season this should be the method of determining how flow many cattle should be sold from each farm AA r mrs elmer johnson of salt bali like lake alty a former resident of is tho the guest of mr and mrs mra reber heber robinson robert park tone macdonald acdonald and elbert hamblen spent the week end fishing at navajo lake mr and mrs airs W B E barrett and children are back in kanab after spending the summer in northern utah mr air paulson raul sou state engineer of 0 the VERA FEBA of salt lake city spent last friday in on busin business esil pertaining to VERA FEBA while here hera he went over several applications for projects which were being abeln sent to the state department for approval mrs addle L swap and her daughter iris of logan were here for a few days last week visiting mra airs parents mr nud mrs mills G C little |