Show georgia georgi may yet desire to cast cas t its vote tot defor for tyrus cobb the gladdest words ot of tongue or pen are fair and warmer weather ann boston 13 oston astronomers have discovered a nek new ne w star sta r second base or short stop occasionally the weather man forgets bp himself ins e i li an and i d lets ieti s ua enjoy e nio Y T v a 0 I 1 pleasant plasa day 1 I 1 eipl explorers 0 aers tell us that there are valuable coal deposits at the south pole not IQ mention the tee ice the prodigal son no longer comes back to share in the fatted batted calf he prefers to wire ford for a draft some borne think a chinese wall should he be built along the mexican border and huil then let them scrap it out another blow to the popularity of the he turkey trot trel A judge in connecticut rules that it to Is not immoral the pulitzer Pul lizer school of journalism has refused to admit women there will therefore be no journal ettes A missouri man hit his wife with a pound of butter he seemed to think a soft answer would turn away scientists say it Is too cold on mars to support life perhaps though the planet Is like boston merely intellectual c butter can can be made directly from grass says shye a scientific sharp and perhaps it can we have longham long had apple buttor butter massachusetts legislators propose a tax of 5 a year on bachelors and come of them claim the freedom is worth it it A philadelphia citizen says he lives on 1 a week but he does not say who feeds fe eds and clothes him in the meantime the druggist who boasts that he be has accumulated prescriptions has no statistics lis to show how many of them cured in nyack which to Is in new york not tasmania or saxe sam beiningen meiningen Mei the best elective offices are seeking men to fill them A london specialist proposes I 1 10 D curo cure baldness by grafting hairon hair on the dome this will wili create a demand for ivory experts ex peris A health expert avers that standing on the head bead will clear the brain but bui 00 too oo much of it is I 1 likely to develop a race of flatheads flat heads the average baseball fan cares not a whit about the of the baseball trust as long ag as the home team wins a pennant A baltimore man has just undergone his twenty fourth surgical operation in one way he to is qualified to be the village cutup cut up an astronomer in that dear parla informs us that the earth is years kears olds old what are a few cl ciphers more or less modern modem court procedure duro is said to be a joke but the joke is on the poor wretch who has not enough money to hire a flock of law lawyers with both poles discovered and public interest on tho wane it looks looka to KB if ou our professional disco discoverers verbra may be for forced ce to gato go to work I 1 s L 01 garfield tea the incomparable lax laxative atle pleasant to take pure mild in action and wonderfully health giving the more promises a man maa makes the more he be keep its wonderful wonder hil what large catalogues cataloguer catal from small garden seeds will g row grow ro W does he know Us his own fallings aling A he ought to his wife keeps the he list |