Show why is it that some men think it would be just great to run a store or run an engine or run for office and never stop to think that it takes just as much wit justas just as much wisdom and just as much gumption to run a form ferm and make it pay how good the thing we haven t got does look oftentimes when we get it it is just like a last years birds nest with a hole bole in the bottom rex brown was a kanab last tuesday rex is wondering what became of a check he lia had ld a short time ago but which got away from him in in some unaccountable ace countable oun table manner I 1 walter haycock and wm parker came in with freight for mrs halliday sunday kansas city sept 29 mut ans to lambs ambs GOO to range and yearlings yearnings year lings to range aws 2 50 to edward lamb of Or derville spent a few days in kanab this week |