Show for sale classified ads howmann How domany many of its probable buyers know that your property is for sale part interest in in an irrigation project acres of fine farming land can be homstead ed under the water terms eay easy independent office tho thomas as tait tail mt mtcarmel bamel UTAH brand lef chip hip i mai k upper s slope 1 I ope and unde bit in tt tl e left ear jt 1 M in i KANAB rum aft ribs 1 v OVA a 1 WN swallow forkin fork in right daht P F W in left ear car t jesse N johnson johno n 1 1 D rand right ribs ibs t I 1 M mark auer ainner ancl under lid er bit in each ear car T 7 n t 0 v B ia y w fb wt bir w university Rivers siYi e il salt lake L city utah instruction BEGINS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16 th registration of students and entrance examinations thursday friday saturday september A million dollars worth of grounds buildings and equipment and the best teachers that can be secured at your service courses are arc offered that prepare for almost any vocation in addition to giving a broad abroad and liberal education A catalog which describes the various courses and gives the registration and tuition fees etc is sent free on request university OF UTAH LITAH salt lake city utah OFFICIAL DIRECTORY marks and brands price for far advertising adverting brands and on request john S cram KANAB brand left hip mark cr crop and u cunderi q 0 r i half crop in right under half crop in left A S cram KANAB brand right pip hip U mark under half crop and upper bit right under aalf f crop left lef I 1 i left ft ribs r k upper bit and d ander or slit in right under half balf cro broj in left W E lamblin K all AB brand left ribs marl der slope and r va 1 01 i left crop and rig saddle addle on left I 1 neck joseph josep lamblin K J AB left le 11 sh ilder mark ilij wn fall left combined te left f t ribs sa mark M rider N NAB AB jet bif L t r rha ha M mark a r k and swallow w fork left lef t downfall r I 1 flews lew I 1 s jepson r KANAB brand left ns i 1 l me kiider under s bope pe ind and crop in left lef t ear car udder der chin jett apson 6 IT kasab R ribs and right hip I 1 I 1 i arnn M hr f I 1 1 culap on brisket C I 1 s right rig ht or 0 oft thigh wi an baulster lA Ulster jr NAB i gb t or left ribs mark figure bl gure y 1 I right upper tipper bit in leftbear loft lef tear ear waddle on forehead 0 F spencer mt alt car carnel me nel utah bs crop un er bit and slit in i left upp ar r and under bit bi t i in right ear horses OS right t thigh 1 1 1 morrow S Ssi erman co A E sh sharman aman magr aso Es ala e utah ml n ls ds anywhere on 2 the a imal ma baic la under E s ope left swallow forli right I 1 double auble culap cut out elow below t wm amm MI ckel prang j JOHNSO UTAH brand sla h left lef t shoulders shoulder or t thigh aig arks upper band and under half I 1 prop left ear S me have swallow sv allow fork in the sa sabio e ear car aalph talph and their pan an button have I 1 go gobie ie to visit their parents who n joaw v reside in Cir circleville cleville JOHN H CLARK CL ARK 9 0 1 jre in awil 1 V w II 11 LA va r LI 1 ax e GENERAL engineering WATER RIGHTS LAND PANGUITCH UTAH M e lp S b om I 1 LAW REAL ESTATE licensed abstractor Abstract br garfield county Utah rooms 2 3 4 dark clark blocki block i I 1 PANGUITCH UTAH t I 1 H AV P la CL contractor and BUILDER housed built entire ESTIMATES FURNISHED KANAB UTAH av YA VA f gangu pangu t ch co Coni I 1 mission company NG I 1 ITCH T UTAH UT AH LIVEST CK LANk SCRIP AND ANDREAL REAL ESTATE A tini Ti er ranch Far farmand farma mind nd grazing lands for sale N listl listings solicited we carry the lar gestand largest and most reliable 4 list of land in in the thorest festl lag li gets es you A public land N without dolak delay surveyed or no residence i ce or impi improvements nee necessary essaiy 1 yf we bu y andeel au all classes of live stock always ia in the market at right prices dont talk hard times get busy all inquiries s given prompt and dour courteous te ous attention lla AWN X ri ea WK 1 k R G clark s s shoe house 0 tie THE STORE OF QUALITY 1 panguitch utah we are fully stocked with a line of cow BOY BOOTS in kip russian calf and french calf we can 0 can suit any taste for shape finish or color WA I 1 I 1 always a complete line of HEAVY LACE booksin BOO BOOTS TSin in 12 to 18 inch heights just the thing for miners and prospectors am TW 5 5 1 1 aull icat 0 R am 0 r from the famous magelky herd mr german buchanan will bring a flock of these rams to kane county about 0 october tobar 1 the he herd rd these rams are it from sheared an average of 12 pounds mi a f this spring which cannot be beat with range sheep in this country FOR PRICES ADDRESS german buchanan At anabella iabella utah david rider and wife are visiting if it happens it will be in the biting at swallow par park independent |