Show member member of major powells colorado river expedition visits kanab frederick S dellenbaugh of new york on way to san francisco as court witness frederick S dellenbaugh of new york city one ot of the most noted survivors of major powells second expedition tion lon down the colorado river in 1871 72 spent three days la in kanat this week visiting old time friends and refreshing hla his memory with the pioneer land marks which still remain lie ile in ili company with nathan adams benj hamblin ray 13 young slid and 0 C bowman visited our historic places including the site gite where the old tort fort once stood and humorously proposed that nate adams buy the old adams residence in the west side ot of tow town ii and turn it into a museum and relic hall mr air dellenbaugh says nate would make a good president ot of a relies relics com committee m atlee with benj hamblin secretary and ray B young treas creasi nate objected but everyone who knows nate geleves be bel leves that lie he will reconsider the proposition and help the daughters ot of the utah pioneers ot of chanab kanab to preserve the relics and landmarks i mr dellenbaugh who came to xa ka nab from st gec geoage rge passed through gh the tunnel bunnel and over the new zion mt ali carmel road ile he says this highway will be considered one ot of the marvellous marcellous marv ellous scenic roads in the west and says bays it should be named the rock river highway As as the indians indiana called the section of bf the country through which the road Is built the rock river land tho the appropriate nesa liess of 0 tile the namo name is apparent mr dellenbaugh would like very much to see a monument erected in kanab as h a marker ot of the ahe old tort fort and another to designate that kanab was U the ie first headquarters ot of the U 8 geological survey ot of the rocky mountain region ile he proposed the following inscription bo be placed on such a monument from chanab kanab as headquarters in inthe the period from 1870 to 1876 the united states colorado river expedition and its successors she the united states survey ot of the rocky mountain region under direction of major john wesley vesley powell lwell first explorer of grand cans on and his colleague almon starrla Tarr la thomp thompson lp throughout tho tan rounding region t tho the names of the nien men who composed the company of explorers under adalor powell and also the names odthe ot the mon men on the U S survey should lie be inscribed on such a monument ahls would include several of our local men such as aa brigham young joseph hamblin nathan adams and others sunday morning mr dellenbaugh visited mrs ida L young widow ot of ills ilia old friend brigham young 11 ile iia also went out to the cemetery and visited the graves of his de 1 parted friends 11 he e then accompanied 4 b hy ray n D young and benj hamblin honored lioret the editor with a private in aar evV where tho the information for or this article bicle was obtained mr dellenbaugh was delighted delight ed with nith the progress the country has made jand and although he loved this region in its most primitive state when he trav aled over almost everi every portion ot of its principal historic trails on foot on horseback by boat and by wagon lia ile appreciates every development made ito he leit left kanab monday sept 9 to visit th the e grand canyon of the colo COIO rado no doubt irwill it will haya hava the same thrill it had years ago for this zealous explorer and lover of ot this groat gaoat southwest mr air dellenbaugh Is ig on his way to los angeles california where he be is to appear in court sept 17 on the case ot of federal government versus the stats state of utah concerning the own biship of the colorado river bed |