Show GOOD TIME TIE HAD AT THE FISH A genuine old fashioned good time was enjoyed by about ono one hundred twenty five people mostly members of oc the lions and rod hod and gun clubs cluba and their wives und and friends at the bonfire bonlore program and roast at tho the state hal hatchery chery saturday night about that afternoon cars began leaving town and at 9 they were still rolling in at the hatchery bupt supt apt james M sargent proved an ideal host and everything possible was done tor for the convenience ot 0 the crowd the huge bonfire under the iho trees was a sight long to be remembered while the wel liles and marshmallows sure left a good taste in th the a mouth to say nothing ot of that marvelous coffee tho the program was exceptionally good everyone who was called was right there to do their part and all did their very best beat to make that part ot of the evening a success the lions and rod and gun club members appreciate the assistance assis given on oil the tha program by our neighbors from hatch it was waa tho the peppiest pep pleat uma time held lor for a long time everyone seemed to forget the troubles ot the past and sure did cast all card care away and thoroughly enjoyed themselves i laws law and ln in laws law A judge that timia laws innas are har hanl on nien men hut but riot not half so had ns as some seme in laws are on married men Passing show jesse N and ross rosa johnson were in canall kanab on business last monday and tuesday |