Show MAKET ROBBED AT mm ESCALANTE last lait monday morning upon open lug ing the sanitary meat market and general store at lavar munbok acting manager inana eer during the absence ab senco 0 ot of leo bunson uio the owner discovered that the store etora had bad been ransacked during tho the night and in money and goods had bad been taken including gloves doves hate bate shirts wait malt hoyrup arup sugar etc tc bank notes a voucher end some stiver silver the gooda were scat tere d about the room showing evidence of oc having bating boon been sorted the waves thieves gained entrance by cutting a hole bole in a door at the back of the building and unlatch ing inc it from the inside sheriff haycock was waa immediately notified and to la at present in Esc En calante alanto working on OB the case tt it to la presumed that at least two men the iob robbery bery there ik ie mile little or no evidence except the fact tt that the footprints footprint found in the indicated that they wore hob bob nall nail boota the prints of which we were r a traced to the grand erand stand here a layer of gravel prevented further search anria s of this thin sort but noua f this particular type have hais been idt iffert the heels heals bad twenty hob bob naila nalls and there were two rows abouna around the center the toot foot prints of one man measured about O eltty moa men were authorized to search as soon boon as the robbery was discovered garfield county news |