Show convenient pockets for tools under rear seals the coach type ot of auto body usually has the front seats so they can up tip forward to give access to tile lie rear seats hinges support these seats beats at the front and feet are provided ut the jear so BO that there la Is a space between tween lie the bottom of the sent and floor of the tha 4 7 VP M AL PV 0 W V m 1 5 ino AP 0 handy tool pockets can so be rigged with canvas flaps under coach body seats that tilt up car you con otillye this splice to for r two handy tool pockets as shown in the illustration each pocket should he be bitted with a flap held tight elther either ly by rings and hooks or by snap fasteners the arrangement of the tools und md the number ruber of pockets will be governed hy by the space available pop ular bilar science monthly |