Show 7 M ft U bilz A A 2 wa 0 V I 1 the tower 13 ridge adm alie A prepared by the national 1 at society Iva hington DC tile city Is it mecca tor for LONDON travelers and is iw lin oili from books anil and throughout through ont tie the world london the port iq 14 comparatively little known known yet in world economics its it 19 eyen even more im portent than london tile city the story of tills gre nt at port involves the alil ps alint vr crowd the ali om the seven sens the varied qt ti 1 prod acts from from all corners corner n of the world horld that thai are set down afi on lo 10 london ado n quays and docks and the facilities for handling dolfi this business of providing necessities and luxuries luau ries for a great block of the worlds world consumers the th port of L doh lia tuta s developed ai a her ships havo developed in her 2000 21 aw years yr ot history lie le has known the long rakle I 1 ai lph viking boats alie little wind driven ships of the continent smacks frigates clippers mid and since the advent accent of steam and the gas ga engine gine great grey greyhounds hounds of the sen sea of 0 ver sing size the smaller ships of the past cen turl aurles es found faund it fe possible bo ss ible to ta nn anchor elior in the thames or to tie tic up to her wharves alid qunis quays but as ships b became a larger rail and more numerous th great tidal ran range ge of ilie alv aler r was foun found d to tie ile mhd wor more trouble e bocc tt t NA vas then that london lo 10 adon began the c construction 0 of t alie lie I 1 great ca closed 0 sc dock system which gipps lier her tho most extensive urea ot artificial ship basins in tile tho world A quay or wharf Is merely a wali vall or platform the hii shoie ot of a river aher or inlet A true by digging info the bank to construct it a basin into which atch the harbor water flows A lock and water vater gates gaias usually co connect 11 hect the b basin a sin with the outer water when s halis are floated into the dock at high title tide thi the rates gates can be closed shutting in enough water valer to float the slit slilla PEs even when the water has dropped tar fai below alie necessary ry fevel feel outside I 1 in B oae ajmo modern dern docks tile the water lovet level can be maintained or even raised aboe e the high title tide levo b by y g gigantic I 1 gan pumping plants growth of the tha dock londona Lon dons sy system syntell stell of cr docks r now so L extensile band and elaborate 4 grew fly by very veo slow ilow degrees T the 1 1 first little wet dock dug duc a at i blackball blackway 1 I 1 about was used merely to outfit ships samuel mentions it in his illary diary next about 1700 cams came a larger dock tiled merely its as a protected anchorage for ships that were to be tong long in port tills this basin c came ane to he h frequented by whaling ships in tb thy Grep greenland riland t trade rade and was long knon knonk fi as th the eG dock the chalers whalers e soon realized that hat unloading and the taking on of 0 supplies could be better accomplished in the dock than in tile the river blubber facto fact ries oites feel facilities litle S and nh all tha alie ill smelling bicel af pf grew up dra around bild th a basin which thus thug wai atis first to 14 tale ahe on ahat I 1 arc ake tile the aci elc g betl activities v files 0 of f today whose these be t gifted gs of the ilia dock ass tem were cohut few io miles of london firl bridge dge from them thes tha Us lins developed down don thel the ifa and deep er wn fanter ei alie west vest and iid 81 arnht 1 ind docks lexe ayele buit built ISO ticy no lion e em brice aerni acres of water anter bif baj sing millions a of f square feet of f anre house ei ond and more than fIve miles of quays the so called london docks ilia nearest b isles to the bridge tire are relli tIrel y sm small covering eiling 35 of water hater and 05 65 acres of land the sur rei rey docs ballf around the orI ghinI greenland dock consist of acres of water 2 30 10 acres of if lond an annl 1 5 miles of quays royal noyal docks the largest the royal roal docks six or eight nilles miles b bel elow ondon london I bridge are the heart of londona Lon dons dock system stein and the most ei extensive docks in the world arll they consist of 0 tile the cloval victoria dot dock built in 1855 I 1 the e ayn A albert ert dot doab completed in ill j 0 and th the e king george e rge V dock opened in 1021 1921 to got gelper er they elZ embrace raie acres of water and nd extend along the aver for three milts more than half a million tons tone of shipping ties has ben been berthed bert lied lu in these connected docks at one time deuty als miles below london belge Is abe the most lemoie remote of londona Lon dons si shipping lipping basins the tilbury docks these were opened in 1684 to accommodate date tile the largest of the vessels entering the ilia port and those of the deepest es draft its new entrance lock locci Is ly of tile the dimensions of I 1 the great locks of tile canal with a depth of 45 feet 0 inches below I 1 ni high water it Is s in the tilbury docks that tho the 6 el eBest of the trans trana ocean passenger steamships berth ships of elope close to 2 tons london is not dependent alone on 94 inela enclosed sed 7 docks aland the 66 miles ot of river which supply th the a ciby with potential port are ciany many alii of 0 open wharves ea and quays to these se c cornea malj a constant procesS procession lon of barges coasting boats and even sizable steamers forsbe for the past 10 49 years the lie great dock system of ot london lias has been under pub tic lie ownership managed by ali deport ne aport Port of london kut authority hority a corporate bady whose members I 1 are tn in part appointed b by y the admiralty the london county council and other public orga organizations alza eions nud in partake par part tare are elected by tar tax I f payers and groups particularly interested este d in n the port busan business ss the port authority also controls game some open har fage but the greater portion of this Is under arl private v at ow ownership berst lip vast streams of trade I 1 a with its river its scores score of miles of wharves es and docks dock sand and its vast v ast ware houses and vaults tile he port ot of loni lon d don on I 1 Is s a gadway gafiN vay ana and a L treasure house t through I 1 iro ill ahl which aih arld and into which pours a stream u of goods ranging k from the barest n necessities ties and the crudest raw ravo materials to the most costly products ofil and factory artist and craftsman in part the value an and a volume of londona Lon dons seaborne sea borne trade are owing to its geographic situation between continental europe and the in part to tile the cites sant status s ns as head an and d heart of the world worldwide wide U british BrItis li empire ilailo many of the docks and w warehouses 1 devote themselves to certain specialties the old greenland dock and its neighbors ate aie concerned lar largely ely with the baltic white sea and canada trade trade for the mot most part mada up of timber and grain act to the west india docks come thousands of f tons of sugar scores of thousands of gallons of rum and liard hard woods sugar Is als unloaded loaded n by the thousands of tons nt at the last east india docks along with the ilia spices silks rugs and adicus dozens of other front from the east E iest 1 the quantities qt of goods that pass over boado londona Lon dons ns docks and s Is 18 stu stupendous the leal lending link import in quantity Is grain and meals meil I 1 close to bushels iare brought in year j early their value reaching OW such dissimilar articles as ten tea and fresh and frozen meats lead all imports imparts in value more than worth of ct each arrles arrives annually the gre greater titer part of the tea is iii for consumption the balan balance ca for re export the meat Is practically all tor for consumption and it Is supplemented by a con sid erable quantity of home grown meat ament on to the docks pour each year tons lind tons of butter valued at more than alinn W worth of c cheese and more eggs there U H a steady stream of wines and sp spirits I 1 rife in hogsheads hog pipes barrels and bottles most acost kif bf alie aliese e md find their way ft ay to al lie ie underground vaults of the port of london lon an akiho authority efty where there Is complete eq nent for blending aitor stor inep it cf ajai aging ig there are more a dozen huge hug bftts oata inch each with win a capacity in excess of gallons fortunes fortune 1 I in n Ware warehouses houss I 1 tills Is but a suggestion of tile the vast stream of or goods that passes over the docks and into the w warehouses alehouses ale houses of lon don enough tobacco Is in storage to make a smoke screen for the navies of the world the best tobacco that Is afforded by the americ americas Amerl cas as greece turkey burma china su sumatra ran tra borneo cyprus and africa other warehouses contain fortunes in rubber ivory metals rare earths drugs perfumes fu nies porcelains ains fine fabrics and laces feathers furs and hundreds of uglier commodities that minister to the wants wanta of a complex civilization in 1028 the total net ship tonnage in arid and out of london was although the london water front lis Is i ched called upon to c care re for ships and goods from all th the a worlds contin continents ants and saas it t has not wholly a commercial flavor the most important buildings in the edip empire re the houses of parliament I 1 li front on the river and for r miles a ties along the banks banka extend tiie me beautifully laid out embankments w which filch furnish stately drives along tile the winding course of the river aher the most of 0 these la Is the victoria eni banki nent which extends between westminster bridge near the houses of pa parliament i aud and bridge down the river st paula cathedral |