Show 1 I 1 LEGAL NOTICES I 1 NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER it department ot of the interior TJ S land office at salt lake city aytah august 5 1930 NOTICE Is hereby given that john it 11 brown ot of kanab utah who on oil august 10 1029 1929 made stock raising calsing homestead entry no for or ewi i 4 section 13 23 Es eli NB SW NB SEM sec 14 SWI enwia sec 24 NE ni SE SEA L section 23 township 39 south range 4 west salt lake meridian has lied filed notice ot of intention to make final proof to cala establish blish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court of kane county at kanab utah on the day of sep ember 1930 claimant names as witnesses jesse N johnson elmo brown joseph L ford and sears riggs all of at kanab utah ELI EL I 1 P TAYLOR register first publication august 8 1930 last publication september 5 1930 NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER department of 0 the interior U S land office at salt bait lake city utah aug 18 1830 1930 NOTICE to la hereby given that ursula E clifford ot of kit carmel cannel utah who on september 20 1925 made adal stock block raising homestead entry no for NW NV nwe 8 SIL 1 sec 15 twp tap 41 south range go 9 west swa s sea section 34 township 40 south range 9 west salt lake meridian has tiled filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk cler of the district court at panah utah on the 2401 day of september 1830 claimant names as aa witnesses charles 0 anderson andersen and magnus anderson andersen of 0 glendale Glen dalo utah david IV V P stevens and osmer lamb of 0 mt oarmel carmel utah ELLI F TAYLOR register first publication august 22 1930 last publication sept 19 1930 1030 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city alty utah august 18 19 1930 notice la Is hereby giver given that 11 ner ilor nell mcallister McA Ulster whose post office address to IB kanab utah has bas made application lit t accordance with the requirements ot at the session laws ot at utah 1919 to 1929 to appropriate 20 2 0 c t f a of water from cave lake canyon and three lakes in kane county utah said water Is to be diverted as follows foll aws c t f s of water from cave lake canyon at flag pond at ft a point ft N from SW cor car see sec to SG T 42 S R 7 W 8 L D B M 76 75 of 0 a a 1 a from three lakes the water to he be diverted from born lower lake at a point te fe IV of 0 center of sec 30 T 42 S IL 6 W S L B D 11 after being so diverted the water will be conveyed by means at 0 a ditch and pipeline aggregating a distance disi arice of at ft where it will be used faed from april let to september 30 of 0 each year to irrigate acres of land dm embraced in part of the S SW SEU see sec 26 25 T 42 S it 7 IV SEU seva see sec 25 S SW see sec 30 T 42 S R 6 W S L B D M this application Is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the granting ot of said application stating tile the reasons must be by affidavit in lup dup licate lacate accompanied with a teo fee at 0 a and ud filed in this office within thirty 30 lays days after the completion of the publication of this notice GEO M BACON state engineer date of first publication august 22 1930 date of at completion of publication september 19 1930 1 |