Show foundation for belief concerning third match there la Is a multitude of lupei aloni ton which have become tho thoroughly roughly Im Ini bedded in III the cacti and tire anro 0 oh b served seriously or humorously according to the individual temperament some people pitr W not accept the lip third light front from it match because it signifies death or disaster the origin of 0 tills superstition Is more un tin than some I 1 in n time ot of war when a soldier lit n in fintch tell it atre revealed tale hla his whereabouts to lie ene enemy ny the sniper vho aho saw the light lined lifted tits gun gan to tits his shoulder at once there are three stages t to 0 fl ring firing ready heady cock coch the trigger alin gun at shoulder and fire Ther therefore the third soldier to receive a light from tile the match was ns the one visible when alien tile the sniper was rendy ready to fire TIM Is liow the third light from the match came by its sinister significance |