Show UTAH BRIEFS A community sheep shearing demonstration was conducted here by prof espien of the U A 0 with 4 11 club in attendance fillmore A war against gophers and ground squirrels Is being conducted by county agricultural inspector springs 11 le summer time activities of school boys and girls la Is being sponsored by P T A cedar city rive five stakes hold M I 1 A contests liere here with a large attendance brovo A feature of n D Y U summer course will be a lecturer from india to 0 o discuss comparative ally provo postal receipts show a gain tor for last month over oer 1029 1929 price pi ice hie abe baigh school Is to retain the trophy won by the school baud in I 1 tho be contest at grand junction april 27 i pleasant grove drove figures foreshadow an increase in population in utah county over 1020 count geneva A feature fei tuie of the ath of july celebration of the provo post 0 of naval ti tie e american heglon will be a naval battle ou on uth lake price cachon bouny schools held an exhibit for 1030 1930 murray F 0 n U hodg ge celebrated celebrate mothers day with an all impressive program prod st george georga one per cent decrease in assessed valuation Is ig shown by th the property of washington county manila A fine stock show here resulted in the exhibition of much pure breil bred stock bountiful new paving work Is being completed near wools cross american folk boy scouts of utah county will hold a circus at provo may 27 duchesne A local local hunter convicted ot or having illegal possession bead beaver hides was fined 2000 helper A boys and girls band has bag been organized lelli lehl binon will cooperate in hiring a veter narlan for their nocks flocks mantl manti nona construction between gunnison Gunn lson and mantl has haa been reported on to the county commission ogden three hundred women from morgan davis and Dox Bo selder elder counties were entertained by ogden chamber of 0 commeree Com merces at a luncheon salt lake ath annual western regional savings conference of the ama american bankers association Is 13 to be held here WAY may 27 and 28 beaver A local rancher claims deer arp are consuming his alfalfa crop logan A doer deer was a visitor to logan streets from the foothills foot hills recently but escaped without injury american fork plans tor for the district convention of the lions clubs to be held here heie may are forming for it a gala affair salt lake city five thousand high school students staged contests here bore in the annual high school day kanab it Is reported that residents of arizona may stage a rodeo at salt lake june SO 30 at the governors notional national conference coalville Co coah alville hie the Co coalville alville rifle clu club lias purchased it a range in dry hollow to use in their shooting salt air the descendants of brig abam anra young will hold a celebration in lionor honor of the birthday annever ann lver sary ot of the church leader on may 31 ogden the city gains in population population ov over erthe abo census ot of 1020 I 1 the Co coalville alville court yard has been improved by landscape ballata la llata rogan logan students are proposed for graduation by the U A C on june ringe range bulls in cache valley are being culled to improve tho the calf crop of 1031 nelio echo A nl new w transcontinental telephone una line Is to be built beginning july bountiful in a to raise funds for fop a summer arte chi children iiren were served lunch at junior r high school A dalry dairy association hns has been oriani zed d ira in malllard county to improve the dairy industry mantl an experimental crop of oats wheat and barley hits been planted liere here by U A C exports experts fairview farm bureau holds a flap alno stock show dhow with ma many fly exhibitor aitor oarland A series of tree free health clinics will be held in boxelder Box elder county morgan for an bark baric beetles have destroyed thoum thousands of r trees la in the national nations t forests according to reports of forestry workers alton A k child lic health program has haa been conducted in the local schools V wellsville A field day was celebrated here by local organizations kanab those attending the governors conference lit at sult salt lake city on in Ju june are to visit ewt the zion notional national 11 barki ark murray V nt guymon of the U 9 marine corps corpos has boon been decorated tor for brin cry by pre president er salt lake the L D I 1 S temple will close fur for the summer season on june Br brigiani Ighani city sugar beet crops in utah have bt bam li much improved by recent rain falls falla draper utah poultry raisers will ship car loads of spring tries to the markets of tile the rast this sennon searon loland leland A AL 4 11 sewing club ila has be ben been n established with a large membership moroni 4 l FI 11 clubs hold a fine exhibit hibit of live stock lit in co cos operation pc ralton with the farm I ariu bureau |