Show department odthe of the interior U S land lana office salt lake city utah january 11 1930 to whom it may concern notice la Is hereby given that guy chamberlain who gives his address addres s as kanab utah has filed application tor for exchange ot of lands under the provisions via ons ot of tho the act of march 20 1922 public no tor for he be folio following w fiig described lands the applicant otters offers the government the NW NI NE see sec 23 NW beia see sec 26 NW shia sec 35 T 38 B S it R 7 W in exchange tor for 3 NW MV SWU nei abi ae av see IS 13 elfi E see sec 14 nei see sec 23 T 39 30 S IL 7 W S 14 L M the swa sec gee 13 1114 U sea se sec 14 T 39 S R 7 V of 0 th selected lands landa havo have been its aa coal lan jai la if and the tha applice ap consents tu the i reservation eser ot of the coal cal and ami miner al kl tights to the abe of this ihla publication cation la is to 1 amft nil all persons theland the land selects or having boun fado bojec mons to such application im an lukity to file their iro protests irot oats tests in this duriex the period ot ol the publication ot ft tula notice or any tirria thereafter the reatter aud before final apar appeal ant nid certify ct lH cation under the act named protests or r contests against this application will be received by this athla office and noted and report thereof made to beneral Cie le land office at washington D a 0 BLI F taylon register first publication january 31 1930 last publication february |