Show CIVIC CLUBS TO MEET AT EPH problems of vital importance s very every section or of southern will be discussed at the meeting c the associated civic clubs southern utah to bo be held at eph raim saturday and sunday 14 and 15 the directors of bf associated associate club clute will meet at 4 0 clock chooh saturday atten aften roon to dig cuss highway problems inc ludin the salina canyon and highway 85 road projects the construction of a road connecting deaver beaver on high way 91 with ely nevada and other minor road problems the wayne wonderland la Is also scheduled for a further report and discussion delegations are expected from 14 utah counties as well as from nevada arizona and colo rado seyen committees of lions and other citizens are busy arranging to entertain the arund hurp reds of expected d visitors rs g rau saturday afternoon and sunday the visiting ladled and the ladies of the ephraim lions will be treated to a free picture at the ephraim theatre at oP eloch as guests of Pros president ident L R burr bun of the ephraim lions club other entertainment including music and dramatic numbers la Is being arrengel arren arron ged for later in the afternoon A banquet will be held in the snow college building at p m at which H 11 AT asen of richfield secretary of the associated clubs cluba will be transacted at th the e business transacted at the directors meeting wll wit be reported on and discussed at this banquets banquet which will be followed by a dance in dreamland hall i A trip to the beautiful lapio canyon near moroni has been aj ranged i tor for sunday atter afternoon noo r through the cooperation of the moroni lions club this will take place during tile the sunday morning session of the club directors when unfinished business will be discussed and plans made tor for the next monthly louth ly meeting |