Show constitutional cons dhonal amendments constitutional AMENDMENT IN RELATION TO MINIMUM WAGES FOU FOR WOMEN AND MINORS A joint R Buol lu atlon I 1 Prop proposing an n amendment t to ArtI 1 of the constitution by th the addition of a section relating to a minimum was waie for women and and nd goner general welfare of t any and 11 II 11 employee employed 1119 B it ft resolved by the th legislature Lella tur of the th state of utah two third of 11 II 11 the th me member elected t to each ach house hour concurring therein t s SECTION L 1 that net it 1 I proposed to mend amend article II 11 of the th constitution by the tb addition of B action which will read a w follow 1 SEC 1 I th legislature may by appropriate legislation provide for the tha establishment lish ment of a minimum wage for wom women and minor and may provide for the tha co corn fot fost health safety and nd general beneral w welfare if of any and all employees employee no pro ilon of this constitution halt be b aa a a limitation upon the th authority construed 0 of the th legislature 11 tr to confer upon any com communion minion now or hereafter crested created much inch power and authority as ai th the legislature may deem lequla ita ito carry out the tha provisions of thi a motion constitutional AMENDMENT RELATING TO intoxicating LIQUORS A joint Re S PV lr an amen ad aront nt to article of f the th ti ion of the of utah by section I 1 thereof relating to the th prohibition hibi tion and peculation lation of f sale mann me fact tac ture use ue of poo conw elou of or r traffic in intoxicating liau liquor 6 bill B tt it resolved by the th Lr ilat of the stat tat of 1 utah two thirds third 0 1 all 11 sains limber be elected to t each aeh he hoc and two third th 1 rdo of all the members member of f each boa he 0 SECTION 1 section 1 3 of f article st 22 that it is i proposed to amend article of the th constitution of utah ta in th the following particular to witt that section 8 of article of the to utuga of utah b be and the th lame Is hereby rp repealed lod SECTION 8 2 doty of secretary of state stat the th secretary of state I 1 is hereby directed to submit the proposed amendment contained t d ten arlt anto to the th elector lacto of the th icat tat at the th next general election in the th manner pro provided aided by Is law SECTIONS SECTION 1 effective date it adopted by the th lector electors of the th state tt this amendment hall have effect on the th tint first dr day of janary january text next succo adins a determination b by r the th board of feat of the r br t of the election alett loo designated to la section 3 2 hereof L I 1 U EL walling a secretary of balto of th stat of utah do da hereby certify that t the he foregoing is I 1 a full fall true and ce correct aret copy of the constitutional amendments pro po plied ad by the th regular and nd special sessions ie ilon of record to in my office to in whereof I 1 have bat hereunto met et my hand and the great real of tl the state of utah this lit let d day y of ef september leu 1033 SEAL cyz L I 1 secretary of state J first Public publication atin september 8 6 loss i last laft publication november 4 lt lots |