Show UTAH FOREST LANDS MAY GO 60 NATIONAL millions of acres of forest land in utah likely will bo be added to the 10 national forests in this ilits state and all forest resources utilized to greater advantage under a eom comprehensive land use program presented to the senate by secretary of agriculture wallace word received in salt lake friday indicates that the report prepared by the U S forest service in response responses onset to a resolution introduced by senator royal S copeland recommends a large extension ot of publio public ownership ot of forest land and more mere management danl 1 t on all publicly owned lands as the only assured means of approaching pro aching a satisfactory solution of the forest problem A 0 nord supervisor of the wasatch national forest reports that the data concerning the local forest and the others in utah was submitted to washington through the ogden regional forestry office the land use program outlined in the report would affect more thaul thag a third of the entire land area of tile the united states the report presents a 6 coordinated co plan intended to insure all of the economic and social benefits which can and should be derived from productive forests by fully utilizing the forest land and toy by making all of its tamber and an 1 I other products its watersheds recreational and other resources available in quan quant liles tides adequate to meet national requirements the malli main findings asi as sum summarized mar in secretary wallaces letter of transmittal follows 1 that practically all of 0 the major problems of american forestry center in or have grown out of private ownership 2 that one of the major problems of public ownership Is 3 that of unmanaged public lands 3 that there has been a serious lack of balance in constructive efforts to solve the forest problem as between private and public ownership and between the relatively poor and relatively good land 4 that tho the forest problem ranks as one of our major national problems particular significance Is attached to the report it was waa Esser asserted ted in III salt lake friday not on only ly because it recommends but because it gives an insight into the probable policy of the new secretary of agriculture furthermore it presents possible methods of helping solve the public lands question |