Show FABRIC PRICES LEND COURAGE TO WOOLLEN much to the gratification of wes western 11 t growers wool prices steadily are moving upward perhaps wiio 0 most encouraging single item to come came out 0 f eastern wool market mari liet circles la Is the nowa that fabric prices have been advanced the first markup mark up in live five years for a long time the now york goods trade has been a hotbed ot of cutthroat competition and prices steadily eulily st have gone down the advance recently registered greatly strengthens tho tha confidence growing in wool marketing and manufacturing circles western growers have a much greater interest in wool pric move mentis this year than for r tn long while the bulk of the domestic clip went to market either on consignment to private dealers or through cooperative coopee cooPer Alve tive circles in the old days when most of the wool was sold outfight ou the grow era interest in his clip terminated with sale now the situation Is different and both Is consigned and cooperative wool producer participates in market improvements until his clip finally is turned to a manufacturer reports from boston indicate the national wool marketing corporation has advanced lag prices three times since august 1 wool prices declined 37 per cent between lia january nuary and july ot at this year and the recent advances vances have regained all but 7 per cent of this loss T the 11 0 national co operation reported the first ot of sept ember that it had sold only 10 per cent or oc its 1932 wool holdings be lieving it possible to obtain somewhat better prim prices as the season advances the strong situation in the doston boston wool trade and manufacturing cen has brought about renewed buy ing activities in the festl dealers are out to pick up all of the wool which growers stored at shearing time vs va piously estimated at to 75 pounds prices offered in the last abet several weeks have been double those at shearing time much wool liza haa moved out of grower possession the past month and the tonnage still in grower possession Is believed to be very slight |