Show NO MALES IN FLOCK wise will get rid of roosters the only object ot of keeping male birds Is to get eggs for hatching and that season la is past the farmer should remember that tho the rooster la Is CUU consuming mIng feed which neutralizes the profits from a laying hen ben A still more important reason for or Wa disposing posing of the males Is the production ot of infertile eggs we hear a great deal about egg quality the best way to improve eg cg quality Is to produce infertile eggs fertile eggs do not keep well five per cent of all eggs marketed tire are a total loss because of chick development besides a large proportion of rot la Is due directly to chick development being retarded the object of a hen in producing eggs Is to reproduce herself if males are present and tho the egg Is fertilized the embryo starts to develop within the body of the hen ewhen ahen a proper temperature Is again maintained tills this development continues there will bo be a slow grow growth that at any temperature above 70 degrees fahrenheit A temperature of 84 to 00 degrees fahrenheit tor for three days will produce as great a development as one day at a temperature of A temperature of to for one day will produce an embryo as far developed as three days at a temperature of production of infertile eggs Is especially advantageous during the summer such eggs do not develop germs stand shipment well withstand heat are easily preserved slow blow to decay and cost less the hen will lay as well or better with no males present in the flock an infertile egg can thus be produced and it unwashed may keep indefinitely A large percentage will dry up before they will rot missouri farmer |