Show throng h eyes liu by jean newton THE WOMAN WHO LOVES AND TELLS THE PUBLIC 16 do you yon think ot of that WA VV american merican woman with millions who Is making mailing the front pages by getting engaged and disengaged from that notorious spanish prince vi rites one render whose letter follows first she gives long interviews 9 to the newspapers announcing her engagement ga telling of her love loe ot of twenty years tor for thia dissipated man who has been expelled fram several countries in europe while she was married to anil and divorced her multimillionaire american husband she vies les with his mother in telling how she Is marrying till this 9 cousin of the king of spain to reform dimand they even een tell the newspapers how bow much she will allow him for or spending money then it Is all off again and both she and ills his mother told the newspapers that she refuses to leave tier her chateau while he be will not go to her because at it la Is healthier forslin for him blin than ills hla former round of night life ills his mother openly speaks of her money settlement being insufficient and says 1 I do not know which will give in iii I 1 trust it will not be my son V then tile alie american sadly admits that it Is IP all dal oft because he will not come to her he chateau and because she does not like mar marriage liage to be made a bargain coun counter terl finally off ofel oti oh no she nothing Is final I 1 old did you ever hear 0 of such a thing can you imagine ue such a wom i on no if she want marriage to be a bargain counter counte why did she make it one by first marrying marril ng nill mil lions ions and then attempting to use them hy by publicly buying a man with a title I 1 personally have not followed that odoriferous case in hit its 16 stalls ls what 1 I think about it however Is ig this it if a woman with millions wants to to buy a title if she wants to ma marry rry a debauched und and dissipated man who has been ejected front several countries of europe her business perhaps she sees to in him something 1 beo besides liles his bad baa rep reputation staiti uta iti and hla his title who can tell anyway she has a right to try to find flap floppiness in her own way if she keeps beeps it quiet and brings no notoriety t tt her country but I 1 think it Is a disgrace and a scandal and a shame on america that an american woman doing all this should make it public bublic should shamelessly and with enthusiasm regale the public with her sordid stor story it Is always cheap and disgraceful to discuss ones personal affairs and ones emotions for public consumption worthwhile people in whose affairs the public takes an interest will go to all lengths to mul ninin their personal privacy naturally it Is always tile the person who does not count who abo to Is trying at any cost to t make the front page and usually it Is merely amusing cut but I 1 therk that when a matter cries to heaven henic n for shame its as does this scandalous thins thing of which you have written me there should be a taw law enjoining people to keep their soiled linen to themselves M by the bell Syndic atik toe inc |