Show MT MTCARMEL CARMEL e s mr and mrs airs alvin allred of spring dale visited in mt alt carmel sunday born to mr and mrs airs lehoy baldwin vii rn eight pound girl june 22 all con concerned corned feeling time fine mr air und and mra alm rulon esplin made a business trip to cedar city june 28 they also brought mrs airs C J hodges back bach from cedar she lias has been gone r moth affy R af IB IA i r f i i but tins has seen many w derl er I 1 t marlon marion johnson Joli naon and fer or burn were june 18 in order ville by bishop larace esplin their mary many friends wish them a low lorn ant annl happy married life ilfe i wednesday night mrs airs C J hodges sunday school class gave a candy pull for her on her return home thursday morning mrs airs edff C i lamb accompanied her relatives from Or derville and hidden lake 1 ice to t st S george to work anthe ahe temple e for dead relatives during the two sessions thursday the mt alt carmel cannot men are all ajl getting up tip their hoy hay and say that it Is much better this year than last |