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Show Canadian rites tie Cooper. Afwood j. ne unuu vvuie a injur iuiiui guwii WuuaiuiiA-iiue oiviiL ana mica uuuivti wiim.ii vvaa UiiiiiiilcU WltU ttjJ-iiiucu ttjJ-iiiucu lute ana O bciiill Uui' iiua uuwn me iiuut. il itll iiunl lue Waioi ill uclv yxisau una nau lung imeu oiccvcs. uui tiam uu&cu in uetrjj late Was icilluvauie, UUI' Veil Oi uiiue S liluiuil VvdS CciuguL witii a bmgie wiine xaunc i oce. At the open house which was neiu at me cooper nonie in ceuar bepieinuer HO sue cail'ieU a UuuyueC oi wiuie injweis ouuineU Wim reU Howard Clark Cooper claimed Lavonne Marie At-wood At-wood as his bride in rites solemnized in the Alberta LDS Temple in Cardston, Alberta Al-berta Canada September 17. President of the temple, Heber Jensen officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey At-wood At-wood of Wardncr, B.C., Canada; Cana-da; and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Laur-ence C. Cooper, Cedar City. The newlyweds were honored hon-ored at a reception September 18 at Cranbrook, B.C., Eagles Hall. loae onus. ims. raul it. Lunt acieu as receiving nosiess ior me open nouse. Miss iNeeiat Joy Cooper was maid ox nonor in a lloor lengm gown oi pale gieen jjeau ue soi witn snort puued sleeves and a U necKiine sonened by a small sen-iui-lie, ureen snoes matcned tne dress. For tne reception sne nad a wnite giaoioia corsage and at tne open house sne nad a small wnite nosegay, iioth were tipped lightly with pale green. Standing as best man in Canada was David S. Cooper, the bridegroom's brotner; and in Ceoar his cousin, Kenneth Ken-neth Cooper of Vernal did the honors. Mrs. Atwood wore a pink street length dress of fine wool topped by a sleeveless coat of pink lace; and Mrs. Cooper wore a street length dress of turqoise double knit with a gored skirt and deep-pointed deep-pointed collar. It was accented accent-ed with brilliant buttons at the wrists and waist. Both dresses were complimented with white corsages. For her going away costume cos-tume the bride wore a pink j double knit dress with a fit-: fit-: ted bodice, rounded neck, short sleeves, and A-line : skirt. Black patent shoes completed the outfit. The newlyweds honeymooned honeymoon-ed in Vancouver, B.C. and San Francisco, Calif, for a week. The bride graduated from Mt. Baker High School, Cranbrook, Cran-brook, B.C. where she was a member of Mardia Gras Club Volleyball Club. She was honored as outstanding stu- dent in secretarial-commercial program for which she re-i re-i ceived a trophy. Last year she attended Ricks College in j Rexburg, Idaho. She will now be employed at the local First Security Bank. The bridegroom graduated from Cedar High School and Seminary. After six months training in the National Guard in Ft. Ord and New I Jersey, he worked in Cedar ; City for a few months at the Seven Up Botling Plant. He i then went on a two year mis- sion for the LDS Church to the Alaskan-Canadian Mission. Mis-sion. He is presently a student stu-dent in electronics and music at SUSC. He is active in the LDSSA on the Scholarship Committee. He is also active in band and orchestra as he I was in High School. I |