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Show Larsen Charges Lack Of Foresight In Tourist Promotion Utah's state administration was described as penny wise and pound foolish in tourist promotion." promo-tion." by Lewis H. (Dude) Larsen, Lar-sen, Republican candidate for governor in Cedar City Tuesday evening. Speaking to a group of delegates dele-gates and. party workers at Airport Air-port Cafe, Mr. Larsen said that the yearly appropriation for Utah's tourist bureau is ridiculously ridicul-ously low" and affords an excellent excel-lent example of foolish planning by the present administration. Mr. Larsen said the tourist bureau bur-eau operates on only $118,000 a year. "This sounds like a lot of money mon-ey until you compare it with what other states spend on tourist tour-ist publicity," said the former Utah State senator. He said that "Florida spends $1 million yearly year-ly on tourist promotion; Arizona $548,000; New Mexico 52,000 and California $2 million. And as a result some of these states have 20 times more tourist spending 20 times as much money as they do In Utah." "The irony is that Utah has a greater tourist potential than nearly any state in the nation." Mr. Larsen said that he advocates advo-cates at least tripling the appropriation ap-propriation for the toiMKi nd publicity bureau: ' Under the present conditions it's impossible for Utah to compete tourist wise with other states," said the Salt Lake City business executive. |