Show It is our intention from week to week to speak of only those articles which even the busy student should read lead No Noone one can afford to wholly neglect current literature literature liter liter- nor can anyone afford to read in an aimless way We can not attempt to point out all that is worth reading in even the limited number of magazines that c come me under our observation but we can assure our readers that we shall not intentionally intentionally y speak of one article that is not well vell wor worth h the time which will be spent in reading it There is as much difference between the true student and the perfunctory re re- citer as there is between a slave and a free freeman freeman freeman man and one of the first steps toward true studentship is to become in some measure an original investigator This can be bedone done by habitually reading as widely as possible on those subjects which come up in school work in which the student feels the deepest interest Let us ask a little time for this department each week Scribners Scribner's Monthly for January 93 is Vol 31 No i. i It is a number of more than ordinary interest The Peary Relief Ex Expedition should be read by all who wish to get a realistic idea of the polar regions The illustrations are good and we have shivered sniveled ever since we read the article Read the sketch now and save it until next July and then read it again |