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Show I Overland Greyhound Lines I Union Pacific Stages New Bus Depot Location hint's New Hotel (Walter G. Lunt, Agent K Phone 200 I THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "When this war is all over, Judge, there will called it 'an almost unparalleled example ol be some mighty interesting txxks written the overnight conversion of an entire indus- about it. Expect we'll leam a lot of things try from x-ace to war.' He also said not so we didn't know before." many jnonihs ago. while speaking about sui- "Yes, Fred, when the record is finally thctic rulilier. 'It is fair to regard the rubber written we'll realize what a gigantic manufactured to date as being almost solely operation this war really was and how the product of the beverage distilling indus- important to final victory many factors try. That's the iviw of thing 1 have in mind really were." ' ...the way peat American industries at "Take, for example, just one industry. home cooperated to help our brave fighting Few people realize the imixrtance of the men abroad." great work done by the beverage distillers "1 see what you mean. Judge.. .a com- during the war. t high government official plete history ol American teamwork." Tkn adtrrlittmtnl iponvntt fo Conntntt of Akvhoiu Bttvuf Indiulnu Inc. tm in ii 1 1 i i ii i bib i i i i ii i ii. Musica Maestro . . . Have a Coke (MAKE WITH THE MUSIC) .'..the me to making friends in Cuba m Singing, dancing and the soft strumming of guitar; -all help to keep life sH. -v humming down Caribbean way. And especially at fioiu time the little jTv' fmfifrTii I isle of Cuba is a mighty cosmopolitan corner of th: glohe spot where the yjL -jiiU J I familiar American greeting Hate a Coke is jut as happily understood as their iffii ffi 1 - Irr; jffrji own oative Salm!. From 1 lanovcr to I lavana, the p.iuse t !- njreshts with friendly Vin X. 'iUtUH'' Coca-Cola stands for Utppy diyt, brother! ha beco.-.' - lymbol of the good- i ' neighbor spirit around the world. 11.. 'Coke; Coca-Cola r- A You naturally hr Cocs CoU IOTTUO UNOII AUTHOHTY Of TMI COCA COlA COMPANY IY S'l i HA"1'0,1 hy i! tlKti WvUtioi. WL JLrn.l Xok". B-'th in-an th qiial.ty prixl- Southern Utah Coca Cola Bottling Company f v- c Ci'j cf aa r o mi rti c c ci i , , , Home Safety Week April 8 lo 14 Home Division Utah Scfety Council Home accident fatalities and injuries in-juries cause enormous waste of life and limb, a staggering economic loss, and xorrow and suffering that never ciA be measured. In this country last year 1914 30,500 persons were killed in home accidents; 4.600,000 others were injured; and the cost reached $550,000,000.00. It is estimated that more than half of all Ores occur in homes. About 7,000 are killed and about twice that number are injured every ev-ery year. Many of the victims are exphyxiated or trapped by smoke, Gre, gaxses, and flumes. The majority of home fires arc attributed to accumulation of rubbish, rub-bish, defective chimneys, sparks on flammable roofs, defective heating equipment, electrical defects, careless care-less smoking and use of mi'tche; and flammable liquids. Children should never be left unattended even for a few minutes. Denth by fire is most tragic to say nutliing of property loss. Have you made a room by room check for safety of your home recently? re-cently? A few minutes of your time may mean the saving of your home, or a loved one from a horrible hor-rible death. That is the national picture. Unfortunate' Un-fortunate' the State of Utah had a part in tnis drab story of human tragedy. 130 of our citizens were killed in the homes in the state by accident and 3,230 suffered disabling dis-abling injuries with an estimated economic loss of $500,000 during the year 1944. During the week April 8 to 14, the Home Division of the Utah Safety Council assisted by the Am' erican Red Cross, Relief Society and M.I. A. of the L.D.S. Church. Catholic Diocesan of Utah, Jewish Welfare Association, Utah Ministerial Minis-terial Association, Public Welfare Department, Public Health Nurses Association, Parent-Teachers Association, Asso-ciation, Women's Safety Council of Utah, Utah Federated Women's Clubs and other service groups, pledge themselves to an intensified program of cooperative effort and education in home accident prevention. preven-tion. Kven though our national records rec-ords show a 6 per rent decrease from 1943 in home fatalities, the toll is still far too high to be tolerated when proved methods of reducing these needless casualties are available. The important thing is that our fellow human beings were so recklessly sacrificed. Accidents wreck savings and bank accounts and divert salaries and wages from normal channels of trade and business. Accidents fill hospital beds, deplete hospital treasuries and increase in-crease charity demands. Accidents cause poverty, hardship hard-ship and discomfort and they leave permanent scars on the family fam-ily of the victim and nil too often on the future of our children. And, Anally, accidents affect our war production efforts, particularly particular-ly when the breadwinner is the victim. Accidents to workers alone in 1914 raused widespread absenteeismthe absen-teeismthe equivalent of a million men out of work for a whole year! And highly significant is the fret workers occurred off the job on our streets and in our homes. 'Mrs. George P. Parker, Director of the Home Division Is chairman of the committee planning "Home Safety Week," assisted by the fol. lowing representatives: MISS ELLEN M. ANDERSOV. Cr.ntnlllt MRS. GEORGE BAGLIN, Salt Likt MRS. ABS Gl'S. 811 Lakt MRS. DONALD E. ROSE. Salt Ltd MRS. ANN BORC. Salt Lak MRS. J. S. TINGEY. Salt Lak MRS. HARRISON l DEAN, Ball Lak MRS. E. G. STEIN, Ball Lak MRS. S. A. COTTERELL, Ball Lak MRS. WILLIAM U. FOLLAND. Sail tak MR. SHERMAN T. Hl'NTER, Ball Lak , CHAMBER MAID WANTED at Leigh Hotel. Good wages, good hours. Phone 120. Adv. A-5 & &12. I IMPORTANT CHANGES mSaUS 1 J I Effective Arril 1, OverlanJ r rA40 Art I Ti Greyhound LiriCN will fur- i f fiWiO MM I j7J nih added bus service. HI at a t I j 5? Ill aJvlition, off prcsinf ! for NeW ArriVOl Olid fyffOa orrivcl. and iepartJ will U Departure Times flnk) boIf",9ed- n , , Sl W't'w Phone your Overland TgF Sfr Greyhound agent now to Nfcfcl- familiarize yourself with these new icheJules. Lunt's New Hotel Cedar City Phone 200 OVERLAND EHEVMHBMKIIil S INTERSTATE TRANSIT LINES O. P. S. Quality Meats I Sunday Roasts You may be sure our markets will have displays of your favorite roasts pot roasts oven roats ley; of Lamb or aflavorsome lamb shoulder roast. Also a variety of steaks and chops. You will find our market men mcst courteous and congenial in assisting you in your selections. Navy Beans deal for Bakilig 2 lbs. 20c I Northern Tissue d-m, 25c NuVita Wheat 2 Largo Cello Dags 15c I Tree Tea Black u round 23 c Baby Food Pabiem rre -cooked 39c Cheese Dinners Kraft Package 9c CoCOa Herschey's 'i round 10c I CraCakerS runty Saltme 2 Pounds .... 31 C I Juke " V-8 Cocktail 2 Cans 28c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 15c Soil-Off Half Gallon $1.00 SuperSuds ree 23c Camay Soap 3 20c Hemp A Vitamin Fortified Beverage .... 59c Finest and Freshest Oranges sweet, juiCy xo-m pound 9c I Lemons Juicy round 10c I Carrots 2 Lae bumvs 13c I I PepperS Sweet, Green Pound...... 15c I LettUCe I.arEe,SolidlIeada round.... 9c Tomatoes Firm,'nipe -round 19c Quality Meats Pot RoaStS A Grade Beef-Found .... 26c T-feone Steaks A.0nu6 roud 43c Ground Beef round 26c I Veal Roasts IVud , 26c Lamb Rib or Loin Chops I'M 43 c Franks . . 33c "A Surety of Turity" |