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Show Lions Club Members Enjoy Youth Progranv The members of the Lions Club enjoyed a program featuring youth activities at the club meeting Mcn- day. when a program was presented under the direction of L. C. Miles, chairman of the Boys and Girls Committee of the Club. Wilscn N. Lunt discussed briefly brief-ly the Importance of recreation activities ac-tivities in the community, and Marvin Jones told of Bey Scout program of the Cedar Breaks District Dis-trict in which Cedar City Is located. Following these talks, Milton Lunt nnd Gordon Bothers, active Boy Scouts, talked on camping and merit badge work, respectively, and Bevan Bradshaw and Donald Jones gave a first aid demonstration. Students from the Cedar City schools also provided a pleasing musical program, including a tram-bone tram-bone solo by Walter Merrywcather, accompained by his sister, Janice; a saxophone solo by Barbara Pace, accompanied by 'Caroline Pace; an instrumental trio by Douglus Knell, Paul Southwick and Georald Brud- ! fihaw, accompanied by Caroline Pace. Orvllle Isom, who Is home on furlough after spending sometime with the Marines in the Pacific war zone, was present and gave a very interesting discussion of conditions con-ditions in the Pacific, and of his experiences. Wilford Bentley, newly elected club member, was welcomed as the youngest "cub" of the organization |