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Show Pleasure Tiavelers Interfering With Military Traffic With America's railroads already carrying the heaviest loads In history, his-tory, the stepping up of the war effort In the pacific makes it all the more necessary that unnecessary travel by train or bus be avoided, officials of the orflce of Defense Transportation said today. Recently, key men of the Army and Navy and general passenger agenU of 12 Western Ra lroads met In Denver to discuss the transportation transpor-tation problem and lay plans for meeting the generally Increased military mil-itary travel needs. At the meeting, It was declared that naval rail traffic In the West has Increased 50 per cent In the last 13 months, and Is expected to Increase GO to 75 per cent In 1944 The GST says that official troop movements call for the transportation transpor-tation of more than two million men a month and abaut half of the pullmans and a third ot all day coachca are In constant use for( military purposes. Despite continued appeals asking the public to "stay at home" and make space available for essential passengers, a recent survey by the ODT Indicated that about 23 pet cent of the persons riding regularly regular-ly scheduled buses and trains between be-tween cities were traveling for such strictly non-essential purposes social visits, pleasure excursions or amusement events. |