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Show j The gaily enameled unit insignia you see on a soldier's lapels and overseas cap are reproductions ot his regimental shield displayed in the center of the eagle on his regimental reg-imental flag. It's a part of U. S. Army tradition. Traditional, too, is the Army man's preference for Camel cigarettes. (Based on actual sales records from service men's own stores.) It's a gift from the folks back home, that always rates cheers. And though there are Post Office restrictions on packages pack-ages to overseas Army men, you can still send Camels to soldiers ' in the U. S., and to men in the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard wherever they are. Adv. TAf"U4i Booth with Meuana, for-IIUb.u.4 for-IIUb.u.4 metly Mexican Heat Pow-OF Pow-OF MINOR der cooling, medicated. SKIN IRRITATIONS I co;istipatio:i I HAUNTED ME- It hung on and on. Medicinal Medici-nal laxatives relieved It only temporarily. Then X found my constipation con-stipation was due to lack of "bulk" In my diet And I also found out that KSUOOO'S ALL-aSAM get at the cause of such constipation constipa-tion and corrects it Boy, what I'd been missing miss-ing before I tried au,-bsahI It's a swell-tasting breakfast break-fast cereal and, as far as my constipation was concerned, con-cerned, it sure worked. X eat ali-bsak regularly now and drink plenty of water. And - I've "Joined I the Regulars"! Made by 1 I KeUogg's in Battle Creek. 11 Gas on Stomach eaotalawaawaartiatli jlii WhM (MM KoinaHi ftrtd mmm painful. offoeaV he in. bout MMra uit haaitbuni, doctora amity raaenb tha futaat-artlna nuMia known lor rmntiMnatic rHf awhtna lika thoMin Htll-aaa Tahbu. No laiattra. ball-ana bringo anafort la a ptti or itouhta rm nonar bask oa ratara at kettle b a. M at all drenlMa. BACKACHE for fast diuretic aid WHEN KIDNEY FUNCTION LAGS from this need .... Functional kidney dismrhanre due lo need of diuretic aid may cause subbinc backache! back-ache! May ciuie urinary flow lo be frequent, fre-quent, yel scanty and timrtinal You mif lue ticrp from "getting up nights" often may feet diuy, nervous, "headachy." In such cae, you want lo UimtUie kiJntj anion JtiU So if there is nothing ystcmically or organically wrong, try Gold Medal Capjulrt, They're been famous fa-mous (or prompt action (or 30 years. Take car to ue them only as directed. Accept no subsuruies. 3)' your drug store YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM-v fllOTWES If you suffer from hot flaahra, ducal-nraa, ducal-nraa, dlatrraa ot "IrrrftuuirHIra", art weak, D'nfous. tmtuble, blue at tlmee dtia to th. functional "mlddle-an" period In a woman's life try Lydla S. Plnkham's Vegetable Vege-table Compound tht bfwt-knuwn medicine you can buy today that's made especially or women. t'lnkham's Compound has hntped thouoands upon tboumnds ot women wom-en to rvltevt suoh annoying symptoms. symp-toms. Follow label directions. Plnkham's Plnk-ham's Compound la vorth tryin |