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Show B. A. C. Graduation Exercises Set For Friday, May eSth. Friday, May 8. has been selected for graduation day at the Branch Agricultural College, according to' Director Henry Oberhanslcy, who explained that the change of date to May 8 from May 16 was necessitated neces-sitated by the demands of the defense de-fense effort. This will allow sophomore sopho-more students who have sufficient' training at the B. A. C. to engage ' In greuter food production from Southern Utah farms or in other ! defense jobs. School will continue until May 15 for all who are not demanded In defense work, Director Direc-tor Oberhansley stated. j Ray E. Dillman, member of the Board of Trustees of the U. S. A. C. ( and B. A. C. from Roosevelt, has been Invited to be the speaker for graduation exercises. Besides the awarding of diplomas In academic work, certificates will be given to Vocational and defense training students and school awards and scholarships to other schools won during the year will be officially offic-ially presented at that time. The two most coveted school honors will be the citizenship awards made by the school. Other awards will in- I elude the Knott award In home economics, ec-onomics, the Parry Wonttnhood award and Parry speaking award, togetlier with the Mullett Jewelry and Robert L. Judd medals for debating, de-bating, the S.A.R. bronze medal for oratory and the Redford award to the best woman speaker. Other events of the week will include in-clude a reception to the graduates, the Alumni Association banquet and ball and the Junior Chamber of Commerce athletic award banquet. ban-quet. The reception to the graduates, given by Director and Mrs. Henry Oberhansley. will be held at the I D. S. Institute from 3 to 5 p.m., May 8. The Alumni Banquet and Ball, held under the direction of Parley Dalley, association president, will be in the Tlrst Ward recreation hall on Wednesday, May 13. The Junior Chamber of Commerce athletic award banquet will be held Thursday, May 7. The recipient of the award has not yet been selected, select-ed, and will not be announced un-till un-till the presentation Is made. In addition to activity awards at the college, four scholarships to senior Universities and Colleges of the state will be awarded at the exerclees. Recipients of these will Include the following: Utah Slate Agricultural College, two scholarships, scholar-ships, Lyle Robb and Dorothy Brad-shaw Brad-shaw with Garth Chatterley and Audrey McConnell named as alternates. alter-nates. University of Utah, Dean Al-lred, Al-lred, with Irene Parker, alternat?. Brlgham Young University, Rae Merryweather, with Addie Lund as alternate. , Students who have completed their work at the B. A. C. and will receive diplomas are as follows: Clemont Bauer Adams, Ida Allen, Al-len, Victor Dean Allred, MoWana Anderson, Wallace Armstrong, Audrey Aud-rey Ballard, June D. Baron, Mildred Elizabeth Bellsle, Alfred Grant Bei-derman, Bei-derman, Roene Bigler, Dorothy B. Bradshaw, J. Garth Chatterley, Joyce Qhristensen, Dc-On Childs, ' Ruth Clark, Beth Corry, Max O.j Cowan. Lenna Cox. LouLse Dalley, Mary Louise Ewlng, Mary June Fidel. Marian Graff, Paul Grim-; shaw, Mary Leone Halght. Nevad.i Haight, Qeneal Hallows, Robert B. Hanseen. Conrad V. Hatch, Lucy Valeria Heaton, Lucy Mary Hess, William Wesley Hlgbee, William Heber Holyoak. j Scott Parker Larson, Auna Car-lyle Car-lyle Lawrence, Thirza Little, Kyle j Jim u..- u J m. '.i.m.'.h : t. im mFTmvm Lewis, Sarah Utahna Luke, Addia Lund, Melvin A. Lyman, Elizabeth R. Manning, Carlyle Marsden, Audrey Aud-rey McConnell, Afton Merryweather, Merryweath-er, Rae Merryweather, Huyh Mor-tensen, Mor-tensen, Gordon Terry Nielsen, Mary Irene Parker, Lyle VV. Robb, Leon D. Robinson, Leland Joy Ro;er, Ross Wayne Sargent. Gordon A. Smith, Eva Stuckl, Shirl Leavitt Stuckl. Robert J. Thorley. Alvin Tidlund, Bernice Turner, Beulah Webb, I. Lowell Whltaker, George T. Whlt-taker, Whlt-taker, Dorothy Williamson. |