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Show .Wednesday Night's "Blackout" Caused By Mischievous Boys Four small boys plunged Cedar Cuy Into darkness for several hours Wednesday evening, resulting in heavy financial losses to meat markets, mark-ets, bakeries, cafe operators, service ser-vice station oi?rators. and other business houses, several hours Of unnecessary extra labor for powti line crews and electric service men, and inconvenience to every citizen in town, when they threw a wire over the Southern Utah Power company's line on 4th. West street near the railroad tracks. Fortunately no one was struck by the falling wires, but the prank came close to causing tragedy when the lights went out during an important import-ant surgical operation being perform per-form at the Iron County hospital. Power company employees were able, however, to get the power turned on the west section of town within a short time, but other parte of the city remained in darkness until late in the evening. Children of the community have been warned repeatedly to leave the electric wires alone, and parents have 1 been admonished to teach their I children the seriousness of inter-I inter-I ferlng in any way with wires car-i car-i rying high voltage. In spite of this, I however, children continue to throw i wires over the lines, causing a short R in the circuit and the wires break I and drop to the ground, thus pire-I pire-I senting a hazard to the safety of y people who might unknowingly walk 1 into a live wire and if not get electro- cuted, at least suffer severe burn's. B Wednesday night's occurence should B bring the lesson home to everyone --B --B aside from the financial lossea sus-B sus-B tained by various business houses, ths B emergency situation at the hospital B and the danger of someone coming 1 in contact with the live vires, B everyone in town was affected i.i 0 some way by the lack of electric 1 lights. It is to be hoped that such fl an occurence will not happen in B Cedar City again and that the boys I responsible will realize just how serious their prank might have been, and that other children will think twice before tampering with the electric service. While the place where the wires had been broken was discovered early last night, the Power company employees were forced to patrol every line in town before service could be restored, due to the fact that the break caused the wires in other sections of town to weld and the only way these could be found was by investigating every distribution line. Wednesday night's "blackout" was entirely unnecessary, and it is hoped hop-ed that Cedar City resident will not be forced to grope their way around in the darkness again Just Eto satisfy the whims of a group of children. |