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Show FORTY ACRES PREPARED. I Harry Uigh and Brother Will Seed to Wheat in Sept. Time and agal is tkeee oolumoB has tke assertion been Made that the people of Ires Couatywsuld come to realize tke lmportaBeeiV preparing the vast traeWt of aridt laud la our valleys aud seed lag tkf a to wheat aud other oereais, Rilhe evidence of the oorreotloa of ikk aseertion Is shown in the aaaeuHt ofjlaod already prepared and in oultlvitloa to the north, south aud weet Inmadary lines of the eouaty. ,'M The latest word that kaa reaohed us concerning the prepariiijJef arid land is that of Harry LelghW.HBd brother who have cleared aii44 plowed 40 aores, and have it n ready for seeding which will beunne early lu September. The Lelgb Bros havajHa excellent traot of lead lying north of Euter-prlsi Euter-prlsi in Iron County. Jt'or the past two years they have Men fencing, breaking up and otherwise improving their property until atresent it is ideal for arid farmlatf.'gj As has been stated alte 40 aores wll) be seeded tkls falljad as tbo land haa been well Hlvated and at mulched, by whiob a Ume percentage percent-age of the moisture tkt, haa fallen op v has been ooaserved then Is but little doubt tbat a crop ' ernglng 20 bushels to the aero wllljf ia garnered next year. Harry Lelgb stated tur reporter tttat lr he l kh ,Sn4bor wurM A8tWewoamUutl VOt has done better t&H tb)'. filroUfir aoil, tho Leigh lro. .e w.cuine tboy will make goo tQrnB on their Investment. ' It la to be hoped' tt? Jolher8 ol Iron County young" mfl do a8 the abpve mentioned Kojlemeu bavo dono' UiA |