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Show WIAT H YiU THINK IP GUI TIWN? H Well, that ia n pretty direct H qtestion, and one, too, which H might be answered in ft grcftt variety of ways. Dut a modest H opinion concerning the question, Hj and from one who expects to H make this his home, may pos-H pos-H )bly be read with aomo interest H by citizens. H Our town is indeed, '! beautiful H for situation." Kature seems to H havo done her utmost in creating H a fine site for a .city of genuino H worth'and enduring progrose. It H would thus seem that) Nature H must have designed this particu- H lar locality for a noble and high-: H minded class of citizens. Nature, H in this respect has evldiiuly met H -vvith'a'gonuinb Vcspohsor Every H town or city hits an individuality, H ,it ' tyie of its own, and (hus H attracts citizens of the same geh; H oral characteristics to' a "grout extent, at least, we think this is H true. ' Tho people-here are 'observed m to bo thoughtful, kind, sym- B pathotic. And, as tho Dostum man is wont to say, "There's a Lk4,' reason.'1 This is pre-eminently a Hlk city of homes. Tho very, attno- H& fiphero of things imnarts tp one MWpU , g.ptfal fifoMij?,'' 'i thoiufttftri- spirit, arid all Is conducive1! the H dovelopmentjind growth of the H higher ideals. V In speaking of our town as a H city of homes, however, we do H not mean to say that it is not also H ajilace of substantial business B interests. By no means! H A great many kinds of business H arc not only well represented, H, but they also seem to be conduct- B ed by men of good ability and H those who possess tho spirit of H gonuino progress. The places of H business arc, for tho most part, H well arranged, neatly kept, and H managed with a promptness and H courtesy towards customers that H compare favorably with many H cities of much larger sizb. We H wish you would all get interested H in your town and stand by it. If H n rich man starts a project, cn- H courngo"; if .. poor man, help H him. Don't be afraid to stick H your hand in your pocket. If you H 'liavo moans, invest in something H that will givo employment to H somebody. Do not kick on every H proposed improvement. Do all H you can to beautify the town H and your proporty also. He H friendly to everybody and court- B eous to strangers, and never for- M gut that you are a part of tho m town and that your own doport- B mont does its sluux in giving the M town its charactor. Sell and buy H all you can at home. Stand by H all other enterprising citizens 1 and be ready to do some of tho B work yourself; and don't grum- H ble or spend your time in proph- 1 osying failures. |