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Show HAD READING MATTER ON BUSSES Old English 'Custom Had to Be Aban- doned on Account of Dishonesty of the Public. It Is being suggested that every long-dlstnnt'o railway train should carry car-ry a library for the use of travelers. More than one hundred years ngo, when omnibuses first begnii to run In London, travelers were furnished, not only with newsptipers nnd mngazlnes, but. with books. Euch bus laid a little bookcase tilled with books by well-known well-known authors, A3 new books were expensive In those days the thoughtfulness of the bus-owueiB wua appreciated,' It'' is said thut people used to .ride to some outlying suburb and back simply foi i the purpose of being able to rend n book In the omnibus library. , Unfortunately, while the public appreciated ap-preciated ho boon, there were sonio menu travelers who stole tho books, until, nt Inst, tho proprietors were obliged to .announce that, In consequence conse-quence of repented thefts, the libraries would be discontinued. |