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Show .Notice toalcr Users, h sliTv ltii4WHfr B"" ac City, UlSh, jAVras lV Sf-Sfe: . . ,Kt'crlfcVfcUriftyfatP. C. K (5ry ton, vin.,jMw(JiHi!fM''Ki Slnt Crur, Itmti. It msitf.'ip0cfct,oii In arcuitlatirv wtilt' tlirteuutfi?triihH.'tth?Compl.l i nwf Oll(li, lot" mmniViHljjIJyrtfio Sckiuii i.aw r UinU." I'.vn tNi'nrn(rinln ; Hionand O.OlOt ncr ' fftol W'HtcC lmi Ule I rrt k Irnn ciiunjt,' l'tli. Sitiil WT tU jtll' Ho iln-ti.rt at a put!.' Whldl iHMM WmJttttjll'lfrfM r,0 ItllHU't'H rl.. 4.8M fetfrlt)!tSmlJlTr1lt rumor ol S-tl' liXqliftrVK'8riijarfuii ' ' lainty.. i. '04 H To throw away that faded garment would be H wasteful. You can make it look like rvew by dyinK J 8 M it. We have a full line of easy to use dyes and I VSSsX&c&m h can supply any shade or color desired. Fastcploi-s ? pQ H p for wool, cotton or silk. J g& iH f ' tAX We carry the famous PUTNAM FADELESS .f M 1 DYES that are guaranteed to do the work. An 1 MPSf ' g- H investment of a few cents and a slight amount of ittit . w H work will give you a new handsome garment. 1 v?, H Y lported. Wj' M We also want you to remember that we carry J ?j H the swellest line of clothing samples in the city, j ready 'W M at prices within the reach of all. You ought to 9 ' fc M see the samples whether you buy a suit or not. f no-oncv M H We guarantee our goods. I "LV'y bg H Palace Drug Store e ' house p H f "The House of Relinble Goods." J fS. H mmmsm$Mffl ; M 'I I ' l H s . . i i( g-u,;.) ,,BjU lMfy ' SI? STSON. H I BIG HORSE MEET, ' SWELL BIG TIME U '4' , (H j cbMMENCEMENT WEEK. RAIN OR SHINE i Mmm 5 SFF'THP unnuAi "INt' - t H at Prnio nfTVAL SEE THE RACE. II AT CEDAR CITY. THE PROPER PLACE. i ? j Everybody invited to see the fun. $ ' j A'b Ziorsc slighted that wants to run. M pj BOOST FOR THE RACES! gg .'lepack 1 H BOOST FOR THE NORMAL! I I For urther information sec the j .' j M M posters or write 5 i The Amusement Club Com tor's; that . 'KJ H 1 ' H H S05rOMWlyyvvvww SS lUr flour. ' LH vSTNw . all and H g To California. I , .- ;:..;.. It' Summer There 1 j,' ij I 3,, Daily Through Troin a f BK- Leaving Salt Lake 3 p. m., 5 p. m.,and 11:50 p. m. 1 Sj W M ihe.shortest and quickest route to CALIFORNIA S c im H and the Pacific Coast. SIN g; H wi - i u )' ': Joors ' H i,!yd"re thc snow and rain when you are only 1 ; 'AAtY I H 24 hours from the land of sunshine and flowers. 1 H . , m 'S by & 'Hocufeuj, f01. tickets and full Information, or address M ' 9fpl H H J' " MANDERFIELD. S. OLCC1 , H W A O P A, Salt Lake Olty ... tofltlg, p H Iter, Sail Rheum and facma Sore Nipples and Oiaowd Hand ' . k H xilli. ChnmlKrla Iii'mHuIvc Ont-iitnilirn. An. ,,i-i.i.; !.... . x-i luppxu lldllUd . ' J: ;X H imhrrMnHdiMpnr 5u-;fMj?rur,it,il a,ru55ly,,ifsls,SfI2,,, ?f Iucr. . &: y company ffii H , ' m - t will be fits M wl w ' . H MERCANTILE & LIlSTOCrUU," Ji56S05r $ H fl. ' y fc HHHiiiiJHJIHHI |