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Show When The Family Interferes. Many a good matrimonial ship, with Its sunlit cargo of bapplnoss and hope, has boon wreokod on tbo rooks of family Interfereuoo. It is tho llrst years of married life that foreign interference is most trying and daugerous aud it Ib tbla very timo when it Is most oouapiouous aud dominant. Theso early years aro times of gradual adjustment to new conditions, the formative period of harmonizing with a now environment, of growth in mutual understanding, porhaps for mootlug diBappoiutmeut aud of rising superior to it, or of Badly revising golden dreams and unrealized idoals, of takiug trial balances bal-ances on tbo lodgor of bapplnoBs, of awakening to tho wtBdom of mutual concessions, of learning now lessons in the sobool of exporlonoo that can never bo learned vicariously. Theso aro tbo problems of two that must bo solved by thorn ; tboy noed only kindness, kind-ness, sympathy, gonorous oooperatlun. Thore la no need for tbo family to remind tho wlfo that tho husband is not oighteon karat, that bo will never mako a fortune, that tboy fear greatly and tbon lot thoir fear expand into n long oatuloguo of detail that fados away into tho dim porspootivo of tho unspoken. Aftor tho goods aro bought and sent home nnd cannot bo returned, re-turned, what is tho ubo of disoouiag-iug disoouiag-iug tbo purchaser? Why not point out somo good points, something helpful help-ful und inspiring? Sometimes tbo interferenoo of families fam-ilies becomes even more aotivo and aggressive than this, and beoauso of a fanoiod grievance or a gouuiuo supposition sup-position it actually comes botwoon husband and wlfo and by barsb crit-tiolsm crit-tiolsm or oondotnnatlon seeks to plant tbo soedB of disoord botwoon thorn. Here instant loyalty of tbo ono to tho other should assort itsolf nnd rofuso to listen to tbo voico; in nn instinctive instinc-tive spirit of protection thero should bo a calm dlguiilod protest of what if unessential should never bo spoken, and if of sorios import should be expressed ex-pressed only in tho prosonco of tho ono thus oharged with what bo or sbo should havo tho opportunity of denying deny-ing or disproving boforo tbo woods of suspicion bavo timo to root themselves them-selves in tbo beart of tbo othor. William Qoorgo Jordan in tbo January DELINEATOR. |