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Show Mrs. 0. S. Wilkinson, Mlllloer; It. D. Adams blook. Main Sareet. SK MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS selling at B bait price next week at Cedar Sbeop fl Store. Every family and especially these fl who reside in tho country should be fl provided at all times with a bottle of fl Chamberlain's Liniment. Thoro is no fl telling when it may bo wanted in caso H of an accident or caso of emergency. It fl Is most excellent in all cases of rheum- fl atlsm, sprains and bruises. For sale by all Dealers. BIG REDUCTIONS in Ladies Un-H Un-H derwear next week Thursday, April 21st Cedar Sheep Asa'n. BBS ii i m ' Sore Nipples and Chapped Hands flj An? quickly cured ty npplyfryr Ctiarotiertaln's ' 1 la)TC. Try it; it is a success, Price -3 ccuu. Butter wrappers, unprlnted, 20 oents a hundred. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all impurities im-purities out of tho system, insuring a freo and regular condition and restoring restor-ing tho organs of the body to health and strength. Fo-5 sale by all Dealer. Your tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches eomo and go. Theso symptoms show that your stomach is tho trouble. To remove tho cause is tho ilrst thing, and Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Stomach and Liver Tublots will do that. Easy to take and most effective. effect-ive. For sale by all Dealers. |