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Show GEO. COM DEAD. I Heart Failure Said to be Immediate Causo of Death. M Was Apparently V Strong-, Healthy Alan Half Hour Elapsed fron Be- ginning of Attack till tbo end 'iH Early this morning tho town waa HH ehookod to loam that Goorgo Oondle jH had passed away iu tho night. Ho bad H been working in tbo field all day nnd H oamo home towards oveulng com- plaining of a pain around his heart. H Ills wlfo did all sho could for bim H and ihcn sent for a dcotor, but be H onmo to Into to holp tho patient, who H dlvd about 10 o'clock. H Urothor Cnudio wbb nlwnyH n very Hl hoaltby, etroug man and bad nut l.eou Hl kuowu to sudor from any troublo. H Ho wbb n groat worker nud although H over 05 years of ngo wus (.till doing H hard days' work. H LaBt winter bo sold bis bomo iu H Hamilton's Fort and moved into H Cedar to livo. Ho had just finished u H neat form Iioubo In (hoenHtorn part of H tho city nnd was calculating to take H lll'o easy in his reclining yours. His H sudden death out short hie nntlolpnt- H cd plocsurc, but uo doubt ho bus H gouo to n plnoo whero ho will moot. H loved ones uiroady gouo boforo, which H will componsatu him for bis loso H Ho wna n strictly honest mnu, uover falling to pay tho smallest- obligation, his word wbb kb good as , his bond nnd pooplo honored bim ' for this trait iu bis character. N H nnlntlvnu nf Kin ilnnnnunrl olin rn. i akmkU sldo in Salt Lako City and olawhoro 1 bavo boon notified of bis douiieo, ns f as woll as his only daughter, Margaret ,.. X Berry, who is living at Logan, 'ji J ArrnugomontB for thnfuuornl will not Sj $jf bo mndo until word Ih reoelvod & mTV m jB whothor or uot somo or nlfof "tTJouTcj, t H can bo in attendance. It 1b thought, -nf)ff' Wmmm howevur, that tbo roivIcoh will bo .yt, H hold Sunday afternoon. H Brothoi Ootid Io lun been mnrrind H twice, bis flrot wlfo having preceded H him to tho groat beyond sovornl years H ago. Gf tho oh 1 1 (Iron roBiiltiug from H tho union but three nro living, two H Botifl and one daughter. H Ills second wlfo is loft with two - small ohildrou, uhnnro now boroft of . H n fathor's enro. Tho sympathy of tho H peoplo goes out to tlwm lu thoir hour H of Bad bnreavomont. LM |