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Show H iiilj.j imiiii iiimii i iiiTi i"i Tt " TI ""''M' """ H DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR IRON COUNTY, UTAH, FOR YEAR !9il, H Paragonah School District. H Barton Lucy A., town lot, lot 1 block 19; farm 1 lurid nw qr nw or soc 5 tp 34 r 8, 5.100 a, H ' so qr ho qr ice 32 tp 33 r 8, 1.120 ajdry and l arm land so qr m qr soc 82 tp 33 r 8, H 2.100 n $8.00 H David D. Dunton, L. C. Meadow, lot 5, a hf 1 aGO a .75 H Milton Dailey, town lot 144 rds , 1.41 H Adams Charles, dry lands, sw qr soc 30 tp 38 r H 8, 26.96 a: mountain land sw qr hoc 24 tp H 84 r 8, 34 a 19.53 H UutchintfH William, dry land n hf sw qr, s hf H n w qr sec 1 2 tp 33 r 8 w 160 a 12.70 H Bonaon William, chimney moadow nw qr sw qr H sic 19 tp 33 r 8 w 8.101 a .05 H Edwards Aaron, dry land n hf nw qr see IS tp H 32 r 8 w, 80 a 10.48 H Yardley James G. imnrovoniontJi and ior propv 4.40 H Edwards Ncphi, n imp and per prop 10.04 H Owons Wm T., dry land no qr nw qr, so qr sw H qr sec 88 tp 33 r 8 w. 85 a 2.02 H Robinson Martha, dry land o qrsw qr soc 28 H tp 38 s r 8 w. 19 a 1.04 H Lamoreaux Archio, town lot 144 rds lot 1 blk 11 9.25 H ilydo Joseph S., dry land s hf sec 1 tp 32 r 8 w. H 320 a, n hf no qr, n hf sw qr, nw qr soc 12 H tp 82 r 8 w 320 a 85.20 j Andorson Mary, frnc town lot 12'rdo, lot 2 blk H 31, dry land hw qr sec 28 tp 83 r 8 w, 15 a .98 H Palmer Jothro, dry land e hf no qr, o hf sw qr M sec 10 tp 83 r 8 w, 160 a 9.89 H Ilutchong Armond G., dry land tp 32 s, 40 a 5.05 H Edwards David E., per prop 07. GO M Nolson N. C Sheep 110.85 H Ireland and Tibbs, sheep 78.G4 M y Hatch Elias, sheep 195.34 1 PAJROWAN SCHOOL DISTRICT. M Ward Wm. F., Stato land cortificato No. 5327. M and 0874 3.07 H Bcson Alvin, town lot and frac 150 rds, lot 2 Hj blk 0, farm land and water sec 11 tp 34 r 9, m. , 12 a and dry land sec 3 tp 34 r 9 w, 44 a 94.80 H Mitcholl James W., per prop .70 H Wilcock Wm. S., stato land cortificato No. 7921, ' mountain ranch, 40 a 3.28 m : Benson Alvin A., city lot 136 rds lot 3 blk 55 18.39 H ; Pendleton Alta, farm land sw qr sw qr sec 14 H j tp 84 s r 9, 8 a, dry land uw qr nw qr sec 14 J tp 34 r 9, 12 a 9.45 Hp Hyatt II. S., dry and farm land, sw qr so qr sec H i 25 tp 33 r 9 w, 11 a, dry land, w hf so qr B1 v hoc 25 tp 33 v 9 w, 49 a 35.CG t Thornton S. G., city lot, lot 4 blk 25 9.00 BpWWMHBBRPB8aoi', bVh--,,t-,T," " - - ' tw'!'SSSSH HB " Gould Jacob, por prop , y.J7 M , Admiifl Stxmh A city lot 1(10 rds, lot 3 blk 11 1,89 H Campbell A. G., undivided hf int In sec 8 tp B 34 r 9, so qr sw qr sw qr sc qr sec 8 tp 34 H r 9 w, w hf no qr sec 17 tp 35 r 9 w 1G.40 H GOuld Phoebe U city lots 2 and 3 blk 27 9.28. M Beltridgo Wm., city lot, 1.8 rds lot 2 blk 24 9.05 Hf MatbcHon Wm. J., per prop 2.33 H Matheaon Mamie, dry city lot, .78 1 Whttnoy Wm. P., per prop and improvements 0.0G H Holyoak Joseph F., o hf jnv qr nw qr sec 22 tp H 31 r 9 20 a, nw qr no qr tp 34 r 9 w, 12 1 a, all farm laud 21. 2G H Holyouk Thus. 1C, farm land sw qrsw qr sqc H 15 tp 84 r 1) w, 25 a, dry land sw qr sw qr B hoc 16 to 84 r 9 w. 8.80 a GS.G1 H Day Daniel, well in public domain and por prop 179.04 H Warner Cornel iuti, por prop 109.47 K Parker Dan, vt prop 1.41 H ' Thornton Neks, per pron 8.15 B Mathoson W. .!., Matneson Owon, Connoll B, .tamos. State land cortificato No. 8G48 2.07 F Dailey James, stato land cortiiicato No. 5988 3.54 H Y Jackson Hubert, por prop 1.09 B Norris Clare, per prop 5.50 B I Hyatt Smith, dry land s hf no qr soc 35 tp 33 f r9. HtHi G.80 Tl Show J. B.. sheep 104.41 f i Henry tuui Lynn, sheep 75.06 Bi William Mid Carter, aboop 227.50 B WillMnm Bros., sheep 54.20 B Coop W. .)., sheep 197.73 ft SUMMIT SCHOOL DISTRICT. H , Hulot Emma, sheep 28.50 B ; Mndseii Nols, por prop G.15 F f Dalloy Wm. est., farm and dry land w hf nw H I ir sec 86 tp 84 r 10 w, v hf sw qr sec 25 HL tp 34 r 10 w, 59 a 19,20 M ' Dalloy Joseph ., 3 city lots 3 a 185 rds, lot 2 B auj 5 btk 4 and U, 5 a, water right, stato B land certificate 5343 23.00 fl Jones Fi -d M., town lot 120 ixls, lot 2 blk 14 S.97 B Walker 'Ihos., dry land o hf se qr sec 31 tp 84 B r 10 w hf sw qr sec 85 tp 84 r 10, 120 a, B dry itul farm w hf nw qr o hf nw qr soc 21 H . tp8 r JO w, 180 a 43.79 B Jones J oh E., town lot 120 uls, lot 2 and 3 blk) 10.17 Dalloy U on B., city lot 120 rds, lot 8 blk 4 B dry 1. .(1 no qr sec 85 tp 8-1 r 10, 8 a, farm lanJiuvqraoc85tp3-lrlO, 8 a 120 ills 21.39 B Dalloy Oi . E farm land w hf nw qrsec 8G tp B 3-1 r 10, 8 a 120 rds, dry land v hf nw qr . sec oo tp 34 r 10, a 60 rds 5.41 H Hulet Sarah P., fihecp 2,Gi) Hulet B tsy, por prop .70 H ' Dalloy Juluia S., state land cort No. 11(73 1.47 Walker Aruhio, stato laud cort No. 11072 a 55 H pt-att Ann, sUto land crt No. 11G75 1.40 Dalloy Julius S., stato land cort No. 11219 .54 HI Dallov Leltio, (own loU t a G rds, lots 1 and 2 . .bkl2 2.Q0 Hbb v4lr . LLLb III ,- I . BSfofiiiscftooi, dibVki?. I Wnltitf (tei. IC.. Mate lnrl etrt No. I21M .90 j Vtxtf BveHiitf, (t JmiJ eort No, i jn Vrif Jtfaattil HvcIIhp. dr landtfli(e hlWtp9 r II, Wnjaanil lOgtiln 1 . CS Vntry JWh, uiiitlvideJ nirtrqr n It f tfqte&2tp3ir It w, 40 at drjf Wflt'l laiTdwf)r neqrMCOtpJt J r ll w", 0 ulttie land ftN. liW 7.I3 , IntiyjoK;pli ll Male Initd ceft Kii. j jwn . j rarry lt)..ll.,dry laiido Jifneffcst lp3lrlf,3WtnU .80 1 noyi Jim, T qtcifitio Irnid ccrl Mo. I0WI J.&S Joflr I, W xtahj Innd cert Ntt. til 7.tfl MiirlcDnrld, Riatc Itrnd wrt t?. Wa nd OI74 f Mscfhrlaiiu I, O., Matt Jiind rrrt Na. 1DST3 J.i5 Mntbfwjn Owen, xtaw land ceil No. IfHtHrtiid IMOO nnd lmprovemciiW 7.W 0t DfliiUJ, nklc land, crtt No.Oil 4.i cnriAaeiTV bCiiooi, pibtkict, llimirf UUiabetli, cUt lot 00 nl, Int ll blk XI, ntC rXiicli ec 27 tp 37 1 10. 40 a 31.15 dawyor Wnij Kcit lot M td, lolS Wk M, fftriit ImiiltlwrHwqr iivr cjriw qf tixirAcijrneiirneqr, 10 n, jeo 2 nlid 3, ip S r j. io ,. dry land c hi nrqfxcc.l tp8flrll,BWa WM Jlwltocit David a, city Jot i.u rilo, Iu 3 mid 3 ttlktfl, city IqtMnlH, lot 1 and 31ilk26ulty lot2ldj.lot tt lilk 37, eny lot 24 r.ta, Ipt 13 bile Jd, ftrm land nwifr Hcc2llp 35 r II, 101 n, dry nml frm Imid no qr no qr nee 23lpPSrlt, 10 aj fnrm land e qr nwqr iieqmwqrua; 10 Ip 30 r I, Ma ! S4..rfi I'.itklm Uplirtam. city lot 9fl rdc. lot 11 'Ik 27 t U2.74 I'ncil KlfznbUli Ann, city lol PJ rds, lot - 0 blk 7j alnlil(liiH llrVeklab, Mrm land nw qr w qr kcc 20 nnd2tp3Q r 11, 3 n 5J ' ) 2.57 WllllnniH Wllllmn, ro prop w qr tiwijr arc II tp30 r 1193 nil. dry land invqr nw qr ncO ipse r II, 10 a, dy and arm latnl whf npqr rcc 10 Ip ?0 r II, 7 a will j 40,7 llnllocli Janun, city lpU90 rdn, lot 18 bllt lfl latin land hoc fl tp3.1 r 11,5 k 43 tl i 129.89 Pany John, cltv lot H4hl, lots 17, 18 1)1 1( 45; dry city lutein ISA Ida, luU 10, 17, lOlk 42. dijand o lif tw qr ( w hf bc qr nee 2i t r ll, 160 a K)fl,t2 llrown ltllznbeib niourfnln laimli. ncc lnndatp37 r 10. K'n H.70 KonMilicrK' Jix'.cliy liilfifl r. dry land hoqr nw qr NeuOtpvrll, o qr mi qr see 0 l 30 r II. ii, 116 rdn in.W Aduiiin Timothy, 2 ctmjMtt 122 rdn, Us 3 and IS ink tCtiK'i.ui'l no r hv qr. noqr nw qVJO tp Vr ll, 15 11, diy land hs ii1 B'lr sc j6 M S5 r 11 18" 'm 14.00 Coiry Ityruin, city ims c qr $w qr nee I - It tp 30 r II, 2 a. Vj, 'aiuVwunr , l.. - M".r '"0 " ttv aa ifMiiyjBKSwMwiw jij linidm.-?lltpVrTnp,m,'S , '.. . 8A.4I rrjr Jamca H. clr lot fee 11 t'pJJ II, " " 141 rda """ , fi'Jf $f$$f? V M.79 William Amelia cltyjlotfci rdn lot B ' ' blk 3fl, f nn Mud Ntvqr 11 qr hoc 2 nw qr aw qr tp16 r 11, On 10.14 Imlny J v, mat? lai.4 cert foi 12125 ,48 KeyuoldN ntul StuMrt.jer prop. 3.60 Axhdoun (Jeo A, city Ui 120 rdn, lot 15 and 10 blk 22. farmljnd e liTnw qr nc2(ilptf.r 11, 10 aJ 48 2( MackelpianirClirln, h'ftlty lot -18 rdn lotdblk ?8, (nrm l:id ncqr tie qr oecni tp3nr II, nvlif Hw qr vc 35 tp35rlt, 10.1 I aC9 llaner Samuel, city lolll rds, lot 17 lilk 3, mountain UndlttqrHisqr oc32 J tp 37 r 10, 40 a iiljonrv'Ul tuinto 4P.C0 Sliurrott John l?t, c fctl4 nW, lot 4 bile 30. dry land il'IiI no qr ec 10 tp SOrll.r Ja.N (itiiX laud noqr nee 34 tp :. r 1 1, Itu 18.24 Walker Archie, hf cltf lol 48 nl 2.54 Matheaoit Dan It, per ijrop 3.9.1 l.uiit W W, farm and, dry, land sw qr nw qr cc 1 1 tp so r ll, Pl'tw K "e qr ec U tp30 r UCSOa, otner real tt.ito 1 ( 6.24 Walter TImm city lot 144'ril, lot 3 blk .57. dry and farm laud aec 10 tp 30 r 11,10 a "" 45 07 Wnllor Jns.clty lot PC rd lot 11 blk 42 farm land hw qi n4.qrjec 'M tp 35 r 11. 8 a, dry land . qAuC 32 tp 35 r 11. 14 M 1 r$ 0.3S lacfurlauaTK cltylot'WrdH, lol II Idk S8, farm laud ntCqr9lr K,"c tpa5ril.5a . $$ -53 1'atm Mrn. A. I,, cltv lotSrtrlt. lot 14 blk 2, city lot n (d l&y 4 Wk 38 'JLfS Hej Iwrna H W Ht. l'. Wa lot 3. 4 b 33 5.59 Uolub J 1, city lot W rd'fv.Uit 1 blk 65 3 45 Jiitift t.ahl W.. ImhiuIv tixj 1.S6 I'rvtwell John Kl, city iiit, 91 rd, lot 1$ blk 21 8.78 ,rofkln Uanlpl bomlyttx iO WaUon Hnillv C, jxjr iirjip 1-T7 .rerklnn Jo. Ump' 2 12 obiter Hurlwrt. btiunit1 tax .82 Jeuen lnpt, citv.lot V6 rda, lat 11 blk ZJ farmU.idnw qrawqrtec 3 tp 36 til. 13Wa 20-T4 AlllMtrom Cha Fat. city lot 114 rd, lot 1 3 ami 3, blk Hi, farm land nw qr se qrKcqrneqio: t5lpV r ll S a 19.39 ' MncfarUAHo I c, hi city lot 48 rd, m It blk S'l.dry and farm land aec 2X1 tp 35 r 11.40 a farm land c qr mc 21 tpJirll, 61.41 .1, day and farm land nw qr e 26 tp35 r 11.3a, j state land cert No. 10572 55.12 llurkbolderCD, city lot W rdn, lot 17 blk 46 13. l.eljfh I) T, dry land w hf w qr cc 11 tp30r ll. 7a,shrueqr:9 tpW r 11,50 a. dry and farm Jaml w M swqr cc!0 tp3ir 11, 5n, neqrnw , qretil6tp3itr 11, 5 a dry land kr qr ec 31 tp 35 r 11. 90 Ui6l MomIcII Chan, bounty tax 1-26 Jcuon Andrew, farm landswqraw qr, M:qrneqrec2P,27tp35rll,tla 10.02 UoenbenrJnllua,dty9blk45,PSrd 18.10 , Kyan rat, mln land, 1-4 of McGary, 1 J orTwItchell.Mot KcHpsc, all ot ritubtt' ir and lg Motf ul .OS Harper UtUabotht-S McCary, 9-3 ot TTllcbc41, 1-Sit KcHns. Wck. - "Vi"S, I isr-I j bird, Atreriteen townnlle a I UVI-Tlnn.drr land hf awqr 6 2. a, aw qr hw qr, nee 11, 144 rdn, c I qrHeqrae7 7a0rda, tp3Srll 4.23 Tliitnipon KlliMlirtli,lot4 blk W.,Uflr 5.12 Jpiimhi Henry, farm land aw raw qr J 1 aea24tp35 rll,r a, dry land s qr nwqr, neqr aw qr ace 2 tp frO r 11 T .1 22.67 Ittilloch K W.eHr b.l8b)k 37, l rdn, l4tao, 10 rda lot 2 blk 41 190.49 t'rle H(iv. frac lot.6 nil. lot 18 blk 30 ll.f.U MlIIettM M, fnnp land woHUItold tc 16 tpflr ll, 1 a, dry land neqr nw ir. nwqr neqriee 14 IpSO r 11, 7 ft &S4 I Jliitilltln Banuiil, town lot, 93 rd. lob' I J blk I, farm land w qr aw qr tec I 31, t)i3r II, Keqr hw ir, hw qr ne I qrats.1t tptorll, 15 a, dry land tie qrneqraeCitpS6rll,8eqr nwqr ewqr ne qroaS6 tpta r 11, 9 a lo r 11.13 Aiilinr R A, reaprouae qrwqr e5 1 1 tp'mrlt.Mr 6(0 I'nrry Mary A. tnt I nut cart No. I "541 .82 MaCotiitel) no 11, land curt No UK1' 8 SJ Mack prnnv Mnrxnret, dry ami farm J lAttdeC2tp3ar II. 7 a 2-1 rdn 8.18 C'Unrtoi Joc Antonio. 2 city lcni, l.Oi a, lot 13 7 fc r,flli Hmiuot 0, ho noainad ltnpt 2.10 Pile IIcdh, farm land, w qr hcc It Ip 3ft r 11. la 1.03 JoueiC It, drvawd Inrni land a hf ne qrneo I3tp3lr lt,41n. 7.U0 Parry Itdward II, nor prop 2.67 Url Keimetli. ImpH 3 95 Ji'iica U T, faun land sw qr nw qr, nw qrawqrieo M,7,'4n, 11 W qr Hw qr tec 11 Ip 38 r 11,2014 u. other real estate 251.21 Yiiunuur James P. per prop " .87 Walker Krno-t, farm land awqr nc qr Nec9tp3.1rll,5o, atatc Rid cert. No. 11222-13034 12 81 Cednr Hqnltable Co-op, city lot SI rd, lot II blk 33, city lol CO ra, lot 7 b 37 206.27 Schopptnann Win A ltt, per prop 2.23 Mlllctt Anmc U, farm land, itc qr tie qrsccll tprOr 11,80 rda .& Orecn AiinloC, dryandlarm land 11 hf nwqrcc21tp3i1r U,8)a 46 CI Cedar Home Co, por prop 17.25 Tollestrup Albeit N, fnfm bind tic qr hoc 15 tp 70 r 1 1, 3 n 3.45 Wctdcrliold John K, city lot 112 nln, lot 5-0 blk 31, farm land He qr no qr ec 14 tp 30 r 11.2 a CO. 72 l'criy 1). Il.liadtrcr J, Maclarlanc I ,C ) ShoctH It I., dry land nwqr sec 32 Ip3(lrl3, lJa, awqr sec 2 tp 30 r 13 uw qrec 10 tp .16 r 13, 320 a, all hoc 32tp38 r!4, 0l0n,nIlKec32tp 37 r 1 1, 640 a 77.00 Cos-dolt Comer city lot 114 rdn, lot I blk U dry Imi'l aec 10 tp 30 r 11, 7 n 80 ro, rc.12tp3'rlt, lOn, neqr J hcc 15lp30r 11.106 rds. cert 107111 3J.29 Uyan I'at, mln land. McGary tilacer 120 I a. Moonlight, Ambrose. J It llnrpur ' 8Uv?r Qnocn, I'.diiJ.l'lorcnce, t)lle 1 Twitia, CoiiHtltuUon, 1'iactloii lo lo 175.210 a, Tanner Claim, 12fut n, l.tUUu aXtll h. ICHty, Nickel Vol. un?d7n9.5ir7 a, Cumberland. 1Ih&v h::iiftKolptVoad aou oaii oa " , " II McCojI.iSiirtiU M, ... iui w rctiir'B!Sia JO bllt "5 ' 'tHgMFIIBUmiW WnllorAtchleperproti 3.61 Wnlker Martin,' per prop'i 3 00 Murlo Waller, r, city lot 90 rd, lot B blk 27 0 2 Leigh and Urle. Irnpt 5.17 Micfarlane Geo ll, city lot.lH rd, 1 jI ll.bllc61 0-55 Uiitilcr John, pr tnop 1.38 Hat on j lit; rd.in V., oer prop 33.09 Currv Ctia-. N, cltv lot. rd, Htnte cort No. 12114 2518 lltackbud Co pr and MluliiK Co, mln laud, Dump loilo, 20 n 1.75 Cnwby O -ortfo II, Mln tnnd, Last Clmiico, 21. m 11. Wall Stroct, 20.(Wl n, Drur Horn. 20 581 n, Mona 19.914 C irry 1 and 2. 33 773, 11, Monn No 2 j 17.225a, MotiKter. lllaok Ciow. Walker Wal-ker Mine, Cow, 80.GM n, Jennie', Joe Sant, I-'rac 1 St i April Pool 117,921 a 27.59 t-'awyer Wm. II homestead Imp 5.48 I'ucell Wm, ir proj, 1,19 Thompson Wm M, pf prop 3. 15 Smith Alfred Jr, lit 1 1, blk 20M, "8 rds 11.90 Macfadane llro, jwr prop 170.97 Hamilton Win. per prop 33.75 Webb A O S. lot IB blk .17, 81 rds 110.15 Corryllytum and Kobt.pcr prop 3.90 Plat Kob't, per prop 6.90 I Thornton It. T, per prop 5 61 Adams J A, Jos Coumerlh, bounty tax 4.32 1 Welxter Sarah A, sUt.i el cert 123)3 .31 Tullla U W, linpts, per prop 0.C0 Parry Mary ltdna, Hlatcccrt No. 12511 2.97 Cedar Atld Kami Co, Mate select 4.81 Collins Chan, Matetel cort No.1214 .18 Cleveland Henry A, Mate el cert 13130 2 64 Mi llow.it d J, Htnlo set cert 12C05-12600 2.70 Tullls C. W, per ptop 3.39 Kscalcute M( Co, pel prop 7.00 lhiltoch Peter, per prop 7.75 Thorley Robert A, per prop' 9 01 Shine Horn- Co. per prop 2 .87 Coach Horse Co, por pi p 1 7,25 , Urlu .Mll'..ii. p-r prop 1.38 1 KAWRKA SCHOOL DISTRICT . 'l'err- l .drv l.nt Hir e qr, aw qr c qr, lot 2, 3, ue qr hw qr, ne qr uw qrsec 31 lp6 r IS, aitlu 'J0.75 ' I'ord Sum'l. town lot 4. blk 6, lot 4 blk 7 j 1.158 a, dry land lob 22, , 27. 2S. cc7tp33r 10, 16n 14.67 Stapley Jas, town loin 1. 4 blk 18, dry ' land e qr nw qr, nw qr c qr.neqr , aw qr, nw qr w i)r 'c 17 Ip U r lit, Ifl a, e bf no qr soc 8 tp 31 r 12, 60 a farm land neqr so qr, ehfqr,scc 33 tp 37 r 12. n w qr, n hf sw qr sec 34tp37rl2, H.)a 48.S9 ' Williams Jno I), town tot I blk 39, 141 r 19.01 Davis James (..dry tot I blk. 30, town tot 4 blk 30, 144 rds 8.82 ' Pollock J 11, town lot 2 blk 17, 72 rds 2.14 Jones I, W, dry land u hi e qr, w hf neqr aec 2 tpWr 11, llWa 7,ft) Davis Oeo A,4owu lot, 128 rda 7.82 Davis Reese, dry land hf neqr sec 5 tp37r 13,80a 3.00 Stapley Wra T. Mt ranch nw qrsec 15 tp 38 r 11. 83 a, stitc land cert Nos, J9U.8t5, 105. 20.07 Holt Ooj state land cert 1171 1, per prop bO.C9 , Southwestern Coal and lrn Co, coal 1 land iirorw qrscJl lp7r II, w 1 I hi swqr.lotvS, 4 sec I tpSSr tl. e bf seqr seqr nw qr kcc 4tp33 r II, IMM ' Ml. h lif hi ijU tie q"r Mv qr, neqrieqr sec$(p38r ll,o lif seqrsccfltp 38 r It.ohf nwqr, e lit iswqr aec28tp 37 r ll.'flitU ottior real ostnlo 37140 '11 rt nan Kob't S, dry land all c 10 IP 37 r 12 31.20 lm Mary B. state land cert No. 8630 1 95 Ilalrer l.ouls town lot blk 15. 144 rds 37 Williams Geo A and J. It. state land ccf t Nos. 6310, 617. 7021, 71 11.79 Pollock Henry, lif town lot. 72 rda 3.04 Dlckausnn W P, dry land c qr nc qr, 11 hrsaqr, KoqriMiqrHoc.1l lpft7 r U.lHOn 7.8O ScbaiTer lanac coal land n hi sw qr sec 29 tp 37 113, gOa.ohf nwqr sec 32 Ip37rl3, )a 31.20 Klrfcer R A, Htatr land Cort Ifo 42) 3 12 Harmony CNwl Co. ior ptop 3.00 Roundy IV W, lot, 141 rds 10.43 l'arkor Cbaa Jr, state Inrni cert !C9 4 85 INillcck -nniel I city lot 1 blk 21. 3il0 ftiitty nhn. state set cert No I3A47 .73 KpUatinrv (Wn M sta'c sl ert No. SHIS .73 Until Klln. state aM crt M,. liais 1.03 Jonwi Uriah T. statr sI cert No. 2p, 3JH Webster Pnancla. Main nelcerl tHW 4.61 ICuell Cias. Nelson Alinn, II It Jtnmv and II K Harrison, alato al rr 101 13 14 07 .McCOnnell Oe,,.,iJ alntofl curt 10719 1,81 STATKf INM SCHOOL DISTRICT Mlatoltuo 'wnntl!Co, Impls 580 Uimiovltcli M G. Iitipla ,fX Sptlnifer It and 1? A, mm. land, Sut- phatcnndKod Matt 38.6 a . 1,90 I'roitch Alfred, IniplH ,7j I'rnncls Robrrt. Itnpt 1.45 Opltir M nmt MCo. mln land, Optilr. OphlrNo2 Hinder., fttroner nud Golden West, nilll nnd Imps 291,12 Wilson J. C, ImptH 1,0s Hunk nfromnicifc. mln land Johnny No. 2, 1 ilea N. 2. Smnpson 3.pH mllliHffii John II. neiiyon and Rosubad Sprltur Imtol 0 a1 I Johnny M and M Co. mln land Mlsils- I lppl. Sloopor Nnnilnlla. Iflloa' Vic- f tor, Grand I'Hzo, mill and Impls 163,91 t-g"- . JL Thorlry Tims, Impla 7a 'Hi?,S rirnkuz. impla j'7 f Wolfe Isnac, mln lrnd. Phoenix, I Ilurro "llverlletl. lllaliionud Peak Ji 07 i Snttdford Prank. Impts 45 1 Creolo M nnd M Co, mln land,, hf Gold ' 1 Haven, Creole ., J- Cloakor Goo, Inipts '33 1 llrown J. G, Inipts j., 1 Toie Ellznlteth, Inipts j' 1'rnnclH Davo. Inipts M i Hammond J M. Impla jlll J MOHitN'A'SCitOOI. DISTRICT Woslorn Klootrlcnl Co. wlr trans linos 30.25 M GOLD SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT ill Short CharloK, imp 1,5 JM Wlmrale J I, ImidH j'45 In KcnriiH Krncrt. impls 1 i5 I fl J enny Go'd MlnliiR Co Impls 1-15,00 I M hort Arthur Impla 4 jjjj ill Short and Itllloi, Impts 72s . I sS llrown Chan, bupts )f,8 I II McUonell R IC.Impa 5 0 I 9 Drake 7.. Impls 38 IcWL Wndo J I.. Impla JaW cliwartr. lieu K. Inipts jj(13 9lj liidoroi'doiicefiol.l Mliihti; Co. mbi TtM 1 at 10 o'clock n. m. - W d. J. WARD County Treasurer. CLARK & WRIGHT Lawyers Washington, D. C. Public I.nnd Mutters: 1'lnil Proof, nos- ort Lai'dn. 1 oiuc-hIs na MIiiiiik CastH. Scnp Associate Work for Attorneys St. S. Sardner !!i5!!iHl!2? I Ceilnr City, Utnli Phone 31 Red -siasJ ALEXG. MATHESON, 1 "Watch Reipairer. I Bring your brokon watches to trio m nntl litivo them proijcrly '1 ropiitreil. I Cuorunteed "Watches 1 For Stile from SI. 25 up. Why bo 1 without a wutuh when' i you can get a good j one at a small prleo. 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