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Show FIRST DATE IAIR. SfkriHl Sfewitig m 2y iiLlTits awl Irate t Hundreds of teHm WlJpfik:lt Opening of Irene C jn vlff a lr Parnwnn, UiftbMvU Vrhe op. eniog day ot the JoSSSfy Wlr was ono to bo rotueMib'Mi t n early hour pedeetrlanH, hogw ijrrlsgps and automobiles vnMr 'ffi about town; hundreds oSpwiil rofa,lieav. er, Oedar City, Olggnl rkragoo-nah rkragoo-nah and Summit &ueB further fur-ther uoith and notilwp morning morn-ing vlonloR the exhloltstn tb- Paro wan Public School building. The exblblta this ywtr.exoeod thoao of other years both iii, auantity and quality. JJaud PHlntli needlework of various kinds, 'beautiful work done by the Primary grades ef the dlffen eut towns consisting of ktawkets. mats, doll olotbes, etc, were iibown In one room. in the next rean ware oil kinds of vegetable,' glus, frnlte, both treab and bottled, ad flowers. ' Tho attraction of the -Afternoon was the three laoes oooisiSRtlnii at two o'clock at: lie track SQHtb , weat ot town. The grand etaBdfwas crowded and hundreds were usable te And seats, so they scattered eW the bill-'Bide. bill-'Bide. , J "Bed Cloud',' Mpfti; to Harlny Daltoo of Qbivllii iLder the tralnlog of Loytn Ufmi'. JjW The third whs a buitunllo saddle horse race between tbiee Pniowan boreus bolauglnK to QeoJSJteveqs, ld Qurr and Bd Lowder, 1 1 wbioh the Stevens hcrfe beat. . Two dances this even n,' one in the Rox and one In '.be 1 pera' house, finish a very suocussful cay. |